Stations August 26 th - August 30 th
Project Overview Students will design, create, and price a product to be sold at the Farmer’s Market on September 14 th. The CSA-Lincoln 3 rd graders are running the booth and have asked 2 nd graders to create an additional product to sell. All families and friends are invited to visit the booth during Farmer’s Market hours; participation is optional.
Noise Level 1 Monday Read Lesson 1: Our Needs and Wants Tuesday Finish Lesson 1 Wednesday Read Lesson 2: Many Kinds of Work Thursday Finish Lesson 2 and start the comprehension pages about jobs Friday Finish the comprehension pages. Economics Materials Needed People and Places- Economics Book Comprehension Papers Home Reading Project Connection Farmer’s Market Money Economics Standards EL Analysis of grade- level-appropriate nonfiction and informational text. S.S Identify community workers who provide goods* and services* for the rest of the community and explain how their jobs benefit people in the community.
Writing “Descriptive Words” Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Complete the Adjective practice activity 2.Tuesday 1.Choose an item from the bucket 2.Fill out the adjective chart for the item you chose. 3.Wednesday- Friday 1.Use the adjectives you chose for your item to write a descriptive writing about your object. Others will read your paragraph and try to find 10 adjectives, so be sure to follow the directions! Standards 2.L.1.e Use adjectives and adverbs and choose between them. 2.L.6 Use words and phrases acquired through reading and being read to (including adjectives and adverbs). Materials Needed Writing Journal Graphic Organizer Pencil Computer Home Project Connection: Farmer’s Market Using Descriptive Words
Self-Selected Reading / Accelerated Reader Noise Level 0 1.Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. 2.Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. 3.Silently read. 4.After you finish your book, write the name of the book and information on the SSR/AR form to turn in for a grade. 5.When you finish the sheet, turn it in to the Turn in File. Materials Needed SSR/ AR form Book of choice Home Standards RF2.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Working with Words Noise Level 1 Monday: Start the spelling packet. Tuesday: Finish the spelling packet and turn in to the turn in file. Wednesday: Choose Practice Activity (if finished with packet): 1. Crayon Mats 2. Story Thursday: Spelling City- go to the website to practice your words for the test on Friday. You may only go to the challenge list if you have mastered the regular list. Standards RF2.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds. RF2.3.a Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words Materials Needed 1.Spelling and Vocabulary Lists Home Project Connection: Challenge Words
Math Journal Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Counting Patterns 2.Pages 14,15,16 2.Tuesday 1.Greater than, less than, equal to 2.Journal Pages 17 and 18 3.Wednesday 1.Temperatures 2.Pages 19 and 20 4.Thursday 1.TEST Standards 2.OA.2- Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies 2.NBT.4- Comparing numbers Estimate temperature Materials Needed Math Journal Pencil Home Project Connection: Routines Schedule Calendar
Project Connections Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Sorting Dominoes 2.Math Masters page 19 2.Tuesday 1.Domino Addition 3.Wednesday 1.Penny Plate Game 2.Directions on Reference Book page Thursday 1.Penny Plate Game 2.Directions on Reference Book page Standards 2.OA.2- Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies 2.MD. 8- Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies Materials Needed Penny Bag Frisbee/ plates Reference Book Home Project Connection: Routines Schedule Calendar
Math Skill Application Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Base 10 Structures 2.Math Masters page 18 2.Tuesday 1.Number Grid Game 2.Reference Book page Wednesday 1.Dollar Exchange Game 4.Thursday 1.TEST Standards 2.OA.2- Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies 2.MD. 8- Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies Materials Needed Number Grid Reference Book Dice Base 10 blocks Money exchange Direction page Home Project Connection: Routines Schedule Calendar
Everyday Math Online Noise Level 0 1.First, get your laptop and log on. 2.Next, go to our website and click on “Everyday Math Online” under our Students’ Page. 3.Then, use your log-in card to log on to EM online. 4.Choose 2 nd grade for your level, unless you have been given permission to work on a challenge activity. 5.Monday 1.Addition Top It 6.Tuesday 1.Number Grid Game 7.Wednesday 1.Coin Exchange. Standards 2.OA.2- Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies 2.MD. 8- Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies Materials Needed Computer EM Log-In Card Home Project Connection: Routines Schedule Calendar