April 2010 This Month: With the help of the Army, Lisa found strength after years of addiction A Salvation Army exhibit shines light on work by recovering addicts And more... March 2016
April 2010 June 2015October 2015November 2015 The Young Messiah Just in time for Easter, a new movie portrays Jesus as you’ve never seen Him February 2016March 2016
April 2010 The Keys to Peace Locked out of their car on a remote trail kilometres from assistance, Angela Hancock’s husband fretted. She did the opposite March 2016
April 2010 This Month: Colonel Mark Tillsley reflects on walking in the footsteps of Jesus in the Holy Land Global warming is a theological issue, says Captain Mark Braye How do you keep on going when winter seems to last forever? asks Major Kathie Chiu And more... March 2016
April 2010 Breaking the Power of Sin Christ frees us from the chains of death and darkness, notes General André Cox in his Easter message March 2016
April 2010 On a High Note For decades, composer Colonel Robert Redhead has given Salvationists music to encourage and inspire October 2015March 2016
April 2010 Out in the Cold What Lieutenant Darren Woods learned by sleeping on the streets March 2016
April 2010 Pick Up Your Copy Today
April 2010 Just for Kids March 2016 This Month: Celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter Go on a journey with Abram Learn how to pray Complete the monthly Just Do It! challenge Plus stories, puzzles, colouring, jokes and more!