1 CORDIS and FP6 4 steps to succeed Greece FP6 Workshop
2 Do you need to know: When and what FP6 funding is available? Which are the first FP6 integrated projects and NoE (and who runs them)? How to check the relevance of your idea and where to seek further assistance to submit a proposal? Do you want to: Get the news on European research developments? Advertise your skills to potential partners? Promote your scientific achievements abroad? CORDIS can help!
3 CORDIS Objectives Offer free access to information on European research Ease participation in programmes and activities Enhance research results exploitation Provide stakeholders with an interactive platform CORDIS - general
4 UsersInformation providers Research organisations SMEs and large companies National administrations Policy makers Intermediaries Support organisations Journalists European Commission services External organisations Member States, Accession and Associated Countries Regional authorities CORDIS - general
5 Participate Prepare Understand Benefit How can organisations benefit from CORDIS in FP6?
6 6 Practical Information Easy navigation and “step- by-step” approach News Access to thematic services Site map Events Quick links Did you know? Understand
7 Key features of the FP6 service Comprehensive information on FP6 activity areas Step by step approach User-friendly Calls service Easy access to documents and tools Explanations and guidance for new comers Quick links to local assistance support News coverage on FP6 implementation Understand
8 How to plan a proposal? Quick overview of the FP6 structure to better understand scope and instruments Direct access to key information, documents and budget figures FP6 Glossary Understand
9 How to run a project? Step by step guidance on how to participate in and benefit from new programmes Key information on rules of participation, preparation, submission and evaluation Access to contractual information and follow up requirements Understand
10 Take the step by step approach, to help you with: Selecting your topic Getting the new instruments right Knowing your role in the consortium and the future contract Negotiating and anticipating IPR Preliminary trouble shooting Follow CORDIS News, Express and magazines Register for alerts Understand Tips for better understanding
11 You can: Receive automatic notifications on the new calls Follow all CORDIS updates to a given topic: Events Projects Partners Research Results And more… Understand and prepare Use CORDIS alert services You can change/delete or multiply your profiles at any time Registration is needed:
12 Participate Prepare Understand Benefit
13 Dedicated FP6 activity services Easy access to ongoing FP5 projects Adding the first examples of FP6 projects Prepare Check if your idea is new or déjà vu
14 Did you know? The FP6 Web offers interactive guide to all CORDIS services that can support your preparation and participation Prepare
15 Identify partners in given regions or with previous experience Prepare Some catalogues of FP5 projects published online
16 Participate Prepare Understand Benefit
17 Key information on deadlines and budget documents are downloadable or can be sent by Access to all documents Call text, work programme, guide for porposers And more: quick identification of interested partners and NCPs as well as access to pre- registration and EPSS Quick links to all features Link to research areas covered Participate Calls Service
18 Participate Prepare Understand Benefit
19 Benefit Did you know? CORDIS is not just about access to research funding. It is a gateway and platform to support the evaluation, the promotion and the exploitation of your results
20 Thank you for your attention! For further information the CORDIS Helpdesk is at your service