NOAA Climate Services Portal: Day 1 Recap National Climatic Data Center Asheville, NC August 13-15, 2008
Session 1: Products/Services Mission Statement/Goals Central service to find climate products Central service to find climate products Add value to products we provide – easier to discover Add value to products we provide – easier to discover Products and Services List - Outlook, Assessment, Current/Historical Must completely define – what products fit the technology model Must completely define – what products fit the technology model Standards (FGDC,ISO,OGC…) Need to define our ‘deliverables’ for 2/09-3/09
Session 2: User Communities Simple and Advanced Capabilities Must have Usability Testing Define test plan – ASAP Define test plan – ASAP Marketing tool Initial focus of the portal for new administration Initial focus of the portal for new administration Target Audience legal, insurance, energy, transportation, education, policy legal, insurance, energy, transportation, education, policy
Session 3: Technologies Portal requirements Simple, fast, leverage existing resources w/ partners Simple, fast, leverage existing resources w/ partners Standards, Web services, RSS/GeoRSS feeds Standards, Web services, RSS/GeoRSS feeds Map search - FGDC/ISO standards – collection level metadata Map search - FGDC/ISO standards – collection level metadata Well written content descriptions Well written content descriptions Access to data and geospatial products in various formats Access to data and geospatial products in various formats XML, Schema, etc XML, Schema, etc CMS Tree Maps – evaluation tool, potential license issues WEB 2.0 for user feedback Many Example Web Sites NASA – JPL,GSFC NASA – JPL,GSFC NOAA – CPC,NCDC,RCC NOAA – CPC,NCDC,RCC NC State Climatology Office NC State Climatology Office
Session 4: Design/Layout Need front page links to climate issues like ENSO, etc Need front page which searches data sets Access to data, ‘newservices’, magazine look, education Portlets for data delivery RSS feed of climate Message of the day - CPO Message of the day - CPO Major Events Major Events Smart search - NCCO Smart search - NCCO Mission Statement needs: distinction b/w weather/climate distinction b/w weather/climate Centralized access - Decentralized service for data, products, and information Centralized access - Decentralized service for data, products, and information Value added products – easier to find, standards compliant improves Value added products – easier to find, standards compliant improves Addition management input Addition management input
NCS Portal: Organizational Structure Governance Body – TBD Technical/Design Team David Herring David Herring Jim Zdrojewski, Bradley Jim Zdrojewski, Bradley Dave Eslinger, Ethan Gibney Dave Eslinger, Ethan Gibney Jon Burroughs, Viviane Silva Jon Burroughs, Viviane Silva
NCS Portal: Framework Overview 3 -Tier Architecture NOAA Banner, Menu, Header, Footer Body Intro paragraph Intro paragraph Map Map Elements Elements SearchSearch Education tabEducation tab Show/DisplayShow/Display