07/09/07 1 DSpace: Make it you own Documentation Research and Training Centre Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore Biswanath Dutta
07/09/07 2 Why to make it our own Your own institutional need User interface enhancements
07/09/07 3 Basic understanding of XHTML Basic understanding of CSS (Not necessary) Skills Required for DSpace Customization
07/09/07 4 Three Layers of DSpace Application Layer (UI) : JSPs (XHTML/CSS) & Servlets Business Logic Layer : Java Classes / Objects Storage Layer : Database & Filesystem APIs
07/09/07 5 DSpace Architecture Ref:
07/09/07 6 JSPs (Java Server Pages) create HTML for the browsers to display JSP Tags, which help to "build" the webpage, and usually contain code useful to many different JSPs. Java Servlets, which perform any requests a User makes through the UI, and provide JSPs with all the information they need to create the next webpage. Java Classes, which define and retrieve information about the "objects" within the system.
07/09/07 7 How Java Interacts in DSpace
07/09/07 8 DSpace Directories Source Directories ([/home/dspace/dspace-source/]) All customization generally takes place here config/ - DSpace configurations jsp/ - DSpace JSPs src/ - DSpace Servlets & Classes Installaed Directories ([/home/dspace/]) Home to all "live" configuration files, properties, Java libraries (including dspace.jar) Usually home to log files, reports, search indices, and "bitstreams" themselves! Webapplication Directory ([/home/dspace/tomcat/webapps/]) Home to all compiled servlets and JSPs Basic customizations can also takes place here (if you decide to do after installation)
07/09/07 9 Basic Customization: Top News & Sidebar News Top News Sidebar News This is done from DSpace Administrator Interface as shown in the next slide
07/09/07 10 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Basic Customization: Top News To change the Sidebar News, follow the same steps as shown in the above for Top News, only instead of Top News, choose Sidebar News (of Step 2)
07/09/07 11 Basic Customization: Default License Remember: After necessary changes in the file, restart the tomcat server. Modify the default license from DSpace Administration Interface
07/09/07 12 Basic Customization: Default License
07/09/07 13 Customization: Look and Feel (CSS) CSS file Located in: Before Compilation: /home/dspace/dspace-source/jsp/styles.css.jsp After Compilation: /home/dspace/tomcat/webapps/dspace/styles.css.jsp Example: BODY { font-family: "verdana", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; color: #000000; background: red; margin: 0; padding: 0; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px } Remember: After making the necessary changes, just refresh the page to get effects
07/09/07 14
07/09/07 15 Customization: Header/ Footer/ Navbar Located in : Before Compilation: /home/dspace/dspace-source/jsp/layout After Compilation: /home/dspace/tomcat/webapps/dspace/layout/ N.B. If you don’t want something to be appeared in the site, just comment it using Example: /simple-search"> --%> Remember: After making the necessary changes, just refresh the page to get effects
07/09/07 16
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07/09/07 18 Customization: XHTML In JSP pages, Java code is surrounded by or. Any other thing outside of that is XHTML (except for JSP Tags). /"> /image/isilogo.jpg" alt=" " width="102" height="100" border="0"/> DRTC Remember: After making the necessary changes, just refresh the page to get effects
07/09/07 19 Customization: XHTML
07/09/07 20 Customization: Text “Messages.properties” contains almost all the text of DSpace Located in: Before Comlilation: /home/dspace/dspace-source/config/language-packs/ After Compilation: /home/dspace/tomcat/webapps/dspace/WEB-INF/classes/ Format of “Messages.properties” jsp.layout.navbar-default.authors = Authors (Navigation bar text “Authors” shared by pages in /jsp/layout/navbar-default.jsp) Remember: If changes are made in the “Messages.properties” after compilation, then we need to “shut-down” and “re-start” the Tomcat
07/09/07 21 Keys in Messages.properties referenced in JSP with: (/jsp/layout/navbar-default.jsp) Example: jsp.community-home.heading1 is a heading within /jsp/community- home.jsp jsp.general.search.button is the text that appears on ALL search buttons in DSpace Customization: Text
07/09/07 22 Customization: Text Before After
07/09/07 23 Customization: Edit/ Add Metadata
07/09/07 24 Customization: Edit/ Add Metadata Add/ Update Metadata from DSpace Administrator interface (
07/09/07 25 Customization: Submit/ Input Form
07/09/07 26 Customization: Submit/ Input Form Submission form is located in: Before Compilation: /home/dspace/dspace-source/config/input- forms.xml After Compilation: /home/dspace/config/input-forms.xml
07/09/07 27 Customization: Submit/ Input Form General format of input-forms.xml govtdocrefno Govt. Doc onebox Enter Govt. Doc. No. ………………. Remember: After making any changes in the input form, re-start the Tomcat server
07/09/07 28 Customization: Search Customize Advanced Search options: /home/dspace/config/dspace.cfg
07/09/07 29 Customization: Search Edit the search index in: /home/dspace/config/dspace.cfg This can change only your search result, not search display …………. search.index.11 = identifier:dc.identifier.* search.index.12 = language:dc.language.iso search.index.13 = keyword:dc.govtdocrefno.* ………….. The general format is: search.index.[number] = [search field]:element.qualifier Remember: After making changes, re-index everything (go to /home/DSpace/bin and execute the command,./index-all
07/09/07 30 Customization: Search To change the search display, edit advanced.jsp, dspace.cfg and Messages.properties advanced.jsp located in: Before compilation: /home/dspace/dspace-source/jsp/search/ After compilation: /home/DSpace/tomcat/webapps/dspace/search/ Messages.properties located in: Before compilation: /home/dspace/dspace-source/config/language-packs/ After compilation: /home/dspace/tomcat/webapps/dspace/WEB-INF/classes/
07/09/07 31 In advanced.jsp > In dspace.cfg search.index.13 = govtdocrefno:dc.govtdocrefno.* In Messages.properties jsp.search.advanced.type.govtdocrefno = Govt Doc. No. Customization: Search
07/09/07 32 Customization: Search
07/09/07 33 Customization: Item Display To modify the metadata displayed in item screen, modify dspace.cfg and Messages.properties Remember: After making changes, re-index everything (go to /home/dspace/bin and execute the command,./index-all
07/09/07 34 Customization: Item Display In dspace.cfg, add the new field to be displayed/ or change the order to display webui.itemdisplay.default = dc.title, dc.title.alternative, dc.contributor.*, \ dc.subject, dc.date.issued(date), dc.publisher, \ dc.identifier.citation, dc.relation.ispartofseries, \ dc.description.abstract, dc.description, \ dc.identifier.govdoc, dc.identifier.uri(link), \ dc.identifier.isbn, dc.identifier.issn, \ dc.identifier.ismn, dc.identifier, \ dc.govtdocrefno.* In Messages.properties, name the field to be displayed metadata.dc.title = Title metadata.dc.title.alternative = Other Titles metadata.dc.contributor.* = Authors metadata.dc.contributor.author = Authors... metadata.dc.identifier.isbn = ISBN metadata.dc.govtdocrefno.* = Govt Doc. Ref. No.
07/09/07 35 Manakin : DSpace XML UI Project
07/09/07 36 Manakin : DSpace XML UI Project It is the second release of the XML UI project’s customizable DSpace interface Currently under development by Texas A&M University Has ability for each community and collection within DSpace to establish a unique look-and-feel Builds upon the Cocoon2 framework Uses Themes to style the content Uses packages called Aspects to modularize the generation of the content
07/09/07 37 Goals of the Project Allow each community & collection to maintain a distinct look and feel Separation of business logic from stylistic design Establish an interface-level component architecture Java / Cocoon development Tier XML / XSL Theme Tier HTML / CSS style Tier Enable internationalization & localization of content Provide an alternative interface that does not replace the existing JSP based interface
07/09/07 38 Where Manakin fits within DSpace
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07/09/07 42 Manakin Installation Prerequisites Java 5 Tomcat 5.5 Apache Ant 1.5 PostgreSQL DSpace Manakin 1.0a (
07/09/07 43 Manakin Installation (Cont’d..1) Step 1: Configure /config/dspace.cfg Add the following parameters to dspace.cfg file # # Repository metadata # xmlui.repository.identifier = DSpace Manakin xmlui.repository.description = This is the default repository description xmlui.repository.publisher = Default DSpace publisher xmlui.repository.subject = Default repository subject xmlui.repository.title = DSpace XMLUI :: Manakin Step 2: Configure Manakin Copy the theme and aspect configuration file xmlui.xconf from Manakin's source (/home/dspace/Manakin_1.0a/config /) to your DSpace installation configuration directory Copy the front page news file, news.xml from Manakin's source (/home/dspace/Manakin_1.0a/config /) to your DSpace configuration directory
07/09/07 44 Manakin Installation (Cont’d..2) Step 3: Configure Tomcat Update Tomcat's server.xml to include a context parameter that tells Manakin where dspace.cfg configuration is located. Locate the element in server.xml and add the following line: <Parameter name="dspace-config" value="/home/dspace/config/dspace.cfg" description="Path to the DSpace configuration file." /> Note: Here context's path is the name of the web application and the parameter's value is the absolute path to your dspace.cfg file
07/09/07 45 Manakin Installation (Cont’d..3) Step 4: Compile and Deploy Compile Manakin using an existing DSpace source tree Use the " dspace " ant parameter to tell Manakin where your DSpace source directory is, as follows: ant -Ddspace=/home/dspace/dpace-source build_wars [Execute this command from Manakin source directory] Step 5: Copy buid/manakin.war files to /home/dpace/tomcat/webapps Step 6: Restart your Tomcat server
07/09/07 46 Skills Required for Working with Manakin Basics of XML Understand absolute/ relative paths Understanding of XHTML Understanding of CSS
07/09/07 47 Some Important Online Tutorials CSS XHTML
07/09/07 48 References 1.Manakin - DSpace Wiki. 2.DSpace XML UI Developers Guide. oc 3.Making DSpace Your Own. pdf
07/09/07 49 Thank you!