1 Study of u-channel contribution at TDA region [1] Numerical analysis due to small amount of data after applying kinematical cuts for TDA : No EVENT = ~22k [2] Acceptance recalculation [3] Apply the constant FRAD correction [4] Kinematical range Q2 = 1.75, 2.05, 2.35, 2.65, 2.95, 3.35, 3.85, 4.35 GeV2 -t = -6.6, -5.8, -5.0, -4.2, -3.4GeV2 : Δt = 0.8GeV2 -u = -1.8, -1.4, -1.0, -0.6, -0.2GeV2 : Δu =0.4GeV2
2 SimulationReal DATA Angular Distribution in C.M. Applied the same kinematical constraints
3 Data distribution
4 GSIM distribution Need more simulation data Currently nearly completed simulation ~x20
5 CRS Integrate all W (>2GeV) for increasing stat. u-chn dependent
6 CRS Integrate all W (>2GeV) for increasing stat. u-chn dependent
7 CRS Integrate all W (>2GeV) for increasing stat. t-chn dependent
8 CRS Integrate all W (>2GeV) for increasing stat. t-chn dependent
9 CRS Q2 dependent
10 CRS w/ JML model Red : W=2.472GeV Blue : W=1.999GeV
11 CRS w/ JML model Red : W=2.430GeV Blue : W=1.988GeV
12 CRS w/ JML model Red : W=2.472GeV Blue : W=1.999GeV mono-pole w/ cut off 0.462GeV2
13 CRS w/ JML model Red : W=2.430GeV Blue : W=1.988GeV mono-pole w/ cut off 0.462GeV2