MPPC mass check Jan9/2007 Hidetoshi OTONO
Our plan for mass check with relays MPPC relayOn MPPC relayOFF MPPC relayOFF DC board AMPADC relayOFF 測定対象 relayOFF Control PC PCI bus HV RS232C
PC System NFS Analysis PC Control PC DC board HV RS232C PCI bus RELAY CAMAC CC/NET
MPPC Relay MPPC Relay MPPC Relay HV Adapter DC board RS232C Control PC Dark Box CAMAC Menu de OTONO System - Version 4 Ch1 Ch2 ChN - Control HV - Turn ON/OFF relays. - Number of channel can be increased easily. AMP Charge ADC CCNET Ethernet x 63 Scaler x 10 Disc. G.G Disc. 6ns gate Clock Thermal measurement Analysis PC Output register veto AMP NIM Ethernet ADC input
1 p.e rate and 2 p.e rate measurement threshold MPPC out Disc. out ADC input Scaler input scaler rate = scaler counts / clock counts 1 p.e rate = scaler rate x {(whole counts – noise counts) / whole counts} 2 p.e rate = scaler rate x {(whole counts – noise counts – 1 p.e counts ) / whole count} noise 1 p.e 2 p.e ADC gate These counts are calculated from ADC histogram.
#12 Vop = V Noise count 1 p.e count 2 p.e count 3 p.e count Noise 1 p.e 2 p.e 3 p.e 1 p.e rate = 57.4 kHz 2 p.e rate = 1.24 kHz Our measurements are about the same values at another University …..
#12 Vop +1.5V = 79.55V What are these ?? Anyway our measurements are about the same values at another University ….. We need more information of sample MPPCs for comparison.
-Relay OMRON G3VM-41LR10 -HV for MPPC KIKUSUI PAN A (HV) PIA4810 (Adapter) OP01-PIA (Control Board) TU02-PIA (for HVreadback) -Amp HAMAMATSU C DC board CONTEC DO32-B(PCI)H -ADC LeCroy 2249A (Charge ADC) -Thermal measurement Agilent 34970A (with Pt100) Requirements for measurement