Prepared by: Zhao Pan 10 th Feb 2011
UBS localization: XML localization JavaScript localization Database Entries localization Audit Report localization
UBS localization: Current Progress XML localization JavaScript localization Database Entries localization Audit Report localization Not StartedIn ProgressDone In Progress Not Started
Three steps for localization: 1. Extraction 2. Translation 3. Loading Short form ETL.
Extraction: Purpose: Extract the keyword from the xml files which need to be translated.
Extraction: Flowchart Xml files +
Extraction: 1. CHN folder will contain all xml files 2. Translation Folder will contain two files UniqueEntry.csv: unique keywords in all xml files. AllEntries.csv: all keywords in all xml files.(maybe duplicated)
Translation: UniqueEntry.csv: Enter your corresponding translation in the Column D
Translation: After finish entering the keyword translation in the UniqueEntry.csv, click the Merge Button on the LocalizationCoverter, it will automatically insert the translation into the AllEntries.csv. Do modification on AllEntries.csv if needed
Translation: Click the merge button, the program will automatically insert the translation into the AllEntries.csv.
Loading: Xml files
Loading: Problem we facing: 1.Whether UBS will load the CHN xml files correctly? 2.Whether the localization has character set problem? 3.Whether the localization has string length problem? 4.Whether the localization affects the transactions? 5.Whether the localization???
Verification: 1. Before carry on all translation, we need do a trial testing base on a small transaction. 2. Test case selection
JavaScript Localization: 1. Requirement gathering 2. Requirement analysis 3. Planning & Design 4. Coding and Verification 5. Testing
Database Localization: 1. Requirement gathering 2. Requirement analysis 3. Planning & Design 4. Coding and Verification 5. Testing
Audit Report Localization: 1. Requirement gathering 2. Requirement analysis 3. Planning & Design 4. Coding and Verification 5. Testing
The END Thanks 10 th Feb 2011