Vocabulary Practice Hi, My name is Rosie
a) objectsobjects Sandy found a variety of ______ that had been washed ashore by the tide. b) entertainment entertainment c) computercomputer d) predictionspredictions
objects – plural noun – anything that can be seen or touched; things
His favorite type of ________ was going to the movies. a) predictionspredictions b) objectsobjects c) entertainmententertainment d) computercomputer
entertainment – noun - something that pleases, amuses or interests, especially a performance or show
Several _______ were made about who would win the science fair. a) computercomputer b) predictionspredictions c) objects objects d) entertainmententertainment
predictions – plural noun – attempts at guessing beforehand
Alex used his sister’s ____ to look for information on the internet. a) entertainmententertainment b) objectsobjects c) predictionspredictions d) computercomputer
computer – noun – an electronic device that stores and processes large amounts of information and is able to perform complicated mathematical tasks.
Susan Ging Lent Production