Barbora Kubešová
Sonoembryology 5 wks gestation - gestational sac 2-3mm – first visualisation Double decidual sac sign –hyperechogenic excentric localisation in the uterine cavity Growth 1mm/day GSD – gestational sac diameter Measurement in three dimensions – longitudinal, transversal, anterio-posterior Placement of cursors
Sonoembryologie 6 wks of gestation GSD 7-14mm YS Yolc sac diameter 3-4mm Growth of YS until 9th gest. Wk, diameter max. 6mm Visualisation of YS no later 5wks +4days Embryonal structures from half of 6th gest. wk Embryo – size 2mm detection of heart rate / 5wks +2 days/ 6-9wks – Greatest lenght GL nebo EES early embryonic size CRL – crown rump length 10wks 7wks – amnial cavity
US screeningu % recognisable defects 18 – 24 20% defects 30+ rare detection of congenital defects, aquired malformations, condition of fetus
Why Overview of anatomy > 11+0 Osification of calva > 11tý Structural embryonic changes transient character Decreased sensitivity of NT measurement with increasing CRL Assessment of gestational age by CRL is less exact after 13+6
Objectives 11+0 – 13+6 Assessement of gestational age – CRL 45-84mm Chorionicity Morfological examination of the fetus Screening of aneuploidias Assessment of risk of gestational compliactions /preeclampsia/
Measurement of CRL – crown rump lenght
Chorionicity - signs
11 – 13+6 Skull, CNS Face, neck Spine Heart Chest Abdominal cavity Limbs
Skull, CNS
Cystic hygroma XO
Atrioventricular canal
Physiological herniation
Megacystis U.b. > 7 mm (normal <6 mm) aneuploidie,T18 urethral obstruction
Markers of aneuploidias T21 Down, T18 Edward´s, T13 Patau´s syndrome XO Turner, triploidie NT (nuchal transluc.) NB (nasal bone) FMF (frontomaxil.angl.) TCV (tricuspid. valv.) DV (ductus venosus) FHR (fetal heart rate))
NT –nuchal translucency
Increased NT > 3,5 mm Aneuploidias Congenital defects genetic syndromes Infections Antenatal demise Healthy fetuses
NB nasal bone FMF frontomaxillary facial angle Rasa Absence NB 65% T21 55% T18 34% T13 11% XO 76°-84° 69%T21 >85° T18,13
Doppler assessment of fetal circulation as a marker aneuploidie TCV – regurgitation – heart defects 56%T % T18,13,XO DV Abnormal (A wave reversed) risk of heart defe 65 %T21 55%T13,T18 FHR
New markers Intracranial translucency IT Dg - NTD – neural tube defects
18 – 23 wks Fetus Placenta Umbilical cord Amniotic fluid Cervicometry
18 – 23 týden Standard examination Determined views
Absence of nasal bone
Lemon sign Banana sign
Facial clefts
Diafragmatic hernia
Diafragmatická hernie
4-chamber view
Transposition of great arteries (TGA)
Cystic renal degeneration
Pes equinovarus
Absence of a.umbilicalis
Minor markers More frequently associated with the risk of aneuplodia NF - nuchal fold >6mm Choroid plexus cysts Echogenic intracardial focus Pyelektasia >5mm Shorter humerus, femur
3D (I,II,III trim.) 3D/4D I,II, III.trim: Neurological scoring systems Fetal ECHO Of-line assessement New possibilities of US diagnostics
Invasive prenatal diagnostic methods Preimplantation diagnosis Direct fetal visualiasation Embryoscopia Fetoscopia Biopsy of fetal cells, tissues Amniocentesis Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS) Percutaneous skin biopsy Biopsy of organs, muscle, liver biopsy
CVS - Chorionic Villus Sampling Indication – positive I. trim. screening 12wks Transabdominal approach under US control Vacucentesis 0,8% - placental mozaicismus – AMC, PUBS Late CVS – II.trimestr- transabdominal approach
Amniocentéza 16wks Transabdominal approach US control Amniovacucentesis
PUBS percutaneus umbilical cord sampling Indications - unsuccessful AMC - time pressure –late detection of positive biochemical screening - chromozomal mozaicisme - prenatal diagnosis of infection– rubeola, TOXO, CMV, Varicella, Parvovirosis B19, Boreliosis
Cytogenetic examination of amniotic fluid long time cultivation of amniocytes /10-20days/ FISH – fluorescent in situ hybridisation – detection of numeric chromozomal abnormalities QF-PCR – quantitative fluorescent polymerase reaction - fast detection within 24hrs T21,18,13, assessment of gender Prenatal paternal analysis Assessment of zygozicity Non-invasive analysis of fetal DNA/RNA mother´s blood
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