Biblical Studies From Job. Biblical Studies From The Book Of Job.


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Presentation transcript:

Biblical Studies From Job

Biblical Studies From The Book Of Job

Biblical Studies From Job Job: His Character & Calamities Arrival of the 3 “friends” 2:11-13 Their joint decision v. 11 They had each heard about Job’s sufferings They came to “sympathize with him and comfort him” The Prologue Job 1-2

Biblical Studies From Job Job: His Character & Calamities Arrival of the 3 “friends” 2:11-13 Their joint actions vv They wept and mourned with him They sat down in silence with him for 7 days & nights Lesson for us Ù sometimes, the best we can do to help is to sit with the suffering…saying nothing The Prologue Job 1-2

Biblical Studies From Job Job: His Character & Calamities Arrival of the 3 “friends” 2:11-13 The sad reality about them… Though they came to comfort, they eventually stayed to condemn The Prologue Job 1-2

Biblical Studies From Job The Book Of Job The Prologue Job 1-2 The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6 The Epilogue Job 42:7-17 J. Sidlow Baxter “Explore The Book” Vol. 3, p. 29 4

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 A 3-fold expression of grief: Ê He prefers non-existence to life vv Ë He prefers death to survival vv Ì He prefers the grave to suffering, misery vv The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Ê He prefers non-existence to life vv First reaction Ù curses day of his birth v. 1 His thoughts… “Why should one be born if his lot is to be such as I am now experiencing?” Job’s “former days” = good from God 1:3 2:10 Yet, now he doesn’t see life as worth living Lesson Ù maintain perspective 2 Cor 4:16-18 The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Ê He prefers non-existence to life vv Job expresses his grief, sorrow vv Let the day I was born, even the night I was conceived, perish vv. 2-3 Let that day be darkness…let not even God care about it existing on the calendar vv. 4-6 Let that night be barren, void of joy v. 7 The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Ê He prefers non-existence to life vv Job expresses his grief, sorrow vv Let that day not be rewarded with the coming of dawn…the “stars at twilight” v. 9 Why such a curse? v. 10 Because when that day came, I came with it…if it hadn’t come, I wouldn’t be here in my suffering The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Ë He prefers death to survival vv Job next reasons… “If I had to be born, then why couldn’t I have died at birth?” v. 11 He even laments the actual birth, nursing with his mother v. 12 He continues… “For now, I would be at rest” vv The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Ë He prefers death to survival vv He continues… “For now, I would be at rest” vv I would be with the “honorable dead” vv Even the still-born, the miscarried are better off than I am presently v. 16 Even the wicked, oppressed are at rest vv The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Ë He prefers death to survival vv The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6 Thus far, Job has desired that he had never been conceived, never been born, had been still-born, or had died in infancy. How would you describe such “faith?”

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Ì He prefers the grave to suffering vv Job’s “suffering” & “bitterness of soul” has him longing for death v. 20 Such a one craves death, but cannot find it v. 21 He digs for it like treasure, but it eludes him When he finally finds it, he rejoices greatly v. 22 The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Ì He prefers the grave to suffering vv Job’s first open complaint against God v. 23 We don’t know what he thought in the 7 prior days “My life is hidden” Ù I don’t understand why “God has hedged me” Ù cp. to Satan 1:10 He no longer enjoyed life’s simple pleasures; was possibly even suffering paranoia vv The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Job’s faith has taken a real “hit” While we do not see a man who has given up, we do see a man who is searching in agony We must be careful, sitting on “our side” of this Biblical drama, to not judge him too harshly The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Job’s faith has taken a real “hit” Yet, we must remind ourselves that we cannot allow ourselves to sink to the despairing level to which Job let himself go What do you think Job would say if he could speak to us today? 42:3 cp. Heb 11:4 The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Job’s faith has taken a real “hit” What if Job’s lament had really happened? Yes, he would have been spared all this suffering But, he also would never have known the joys he had experienced in life (fatherhood), personal achievements (prosperity), etc. Remember…he had already stated the truth 2:10 The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job Job’s Opening Lament 3:1-26 Job’s faith has taken a real “hit” What if Job’s lament had really happened? Thus, Job appears to be struggling with his perspective right now He’s having a hard time seeing the good in his life because of the bad cp. 2 Cor 4: :7 The Dialogue Job 3:1 – 42:6

Biblical Studies From Job