October 15, 2015
Dr. Sally Buckley Dean of Enrollment Management and LifeMap Bunker Hill Community College, MA Dr. Jim Canniff Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Services Bunker Hill Community College, MA Dr. Laura Grandgenett Chief Information Officer Bunker Hill CC/CampusWorks, MA Liz Murphy CEO CampusWorks, FL 2
4 “For many students at community colleges, finding a path to degree completion is the equivalent of navigating a shapeless river on a dark night” (Scott-Clayton, 2011)
9 Student Development Outcomes Interpersonal Skills Intrapersonal Skills Intercultural Skills Sense of Community Responsibility In 4 stages: Explore, engage, reflect & apply knowledge
10 Framework for discussion and planning in credit levels Pre-enrollment to 0 1 – 15 45 & up
11 LifeMap Framework
12 Title III Grant includes aggressive timeline to develop integrated delivery of LifeMap concepts in 3 ways: Curricular integration Integrate support/enrollment services Technology implementation
13 Curricular Integration
Integrating LifeMap into Your Curriculum An introduction to the LifeMap program and the 6 components. Supports faculty as they embed the components into courses and work together to design assignments and activities. Advising 101 (Part 1 and Part 2) Reviews academic advising principles and best practices The Tools of LifeMap Learn about LifeMap tools and discover how they can be integrated into course assignments and activities 14
15 Unification of student support/enrollment services
16 LifeMap Technology
19 LifeMap Technology
21 Scott-Clayton, J. (2011). The shapeless river: Does a lack of structure inhabit students’ progress at community colleges? (CCRA Working Paper No. 25). New York, NY: Columbia University, Teachers College, Community College Research Center