Welcome to 2 nd Grade! Please find your child’s chair, have a seat and write a letter to them!
Communication School phone number: Feel free to call or or send a letter in with your child when you have a question or concern. Agendas should be signed nightly. This is a great place to write a note to me and I may also write a note to you! Classroom and grade level newsletters are sent home every week in Friday Folders or through . These newsletters can also be found on the grade level website and our classroom website.
Schedule 8:30-8:45 Morning Meeting 8:45-9:30 Readers Workshop 9:30-10:15 Writers Workshop 10:15-10:45 Social Studies/Science 10:45-11:50 Lunch/Recess 11:50-12:45 Math 12:45-1:00 Snack 1:00-1:50 Specials 1:50-2:30 WOW 2:30-3:00 Dismissal
Classroom Ground Rules Keep your hands to yourself Only one person can talk at a time and you should listen to everyone. Feet are for walking—not for running or standing on chairs. Use your manners and be respectful. Have fun!
Class Mission Statement Our class mission is to learn as much as we can to get a degree from college so we can grow up and be great leaders.
Behavior Management Positive Reinforcement is the core. Rings handed out during the day Always an opportunity to go above and beyond PBS—LEAD Classrooms earn tickets and earn celebrations when meet school goal. 1,2,3,4 system that mirrors grades and report cards
Curriculum Please look in the Connections for more information. You may also find a link on our grade level website to the Connections packet.
Report Cards and Conferences Report cards are distributed at the end of every quarter (October/November, January, March/April, June). Parent/teacher conferences are held around the end of the first quarter (mid to end of October/beginning of November). Student-Led Conferences are held towards the end of the year (late May).
Homework 30 minutes per night (Monday through Thursday) 10 minutes of math 20 minutes of reading/ writing Math is sent home daily. Writing is assigned weekly. Please don’t have your child sit down and complete it all in one night. We want children to learn responsibility and time management. Writing homework is due on Friday morning when students come to the classroom. After children finish their math problems for the day, they should spend the rest of the time studying their math facts. Homework Procedures and Policies Children will have a homework folder and notebook. Please have them complete all writing assignments in their notebook. Keep the think- tac-toes for the month. Your child should complete 2 or 3 writing activities weekly. Students should read “Just Right” books for their homework. You can record minutes read in their agendas. Homework is a review of what we have learned. I would like it to be an independent endeavor with just a little support if needed.
Volunteering We love to have parent volunteers in the classroom, especially during literacy centers/reading workshop and writing workshop. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer and have not already signed up. I will be contacting everyone very shortly. Thanks for letting us learn procedures and get started.
Volunteer Background Check WCPSS policy states that all volunteers helping out in schools, supervised by a teacher, or unsupervised, must register with the county’s data base. If you volunteer for centers or field trips, you will most likely be alone with a group of children, and therefore are required to receive a background check. Please make sure that you check the box that says “small group unsupervised” You can do this tonight in the Media Center or the classroom! Even if you completed this last year, you need to complete it again and update the information!
Technology Our grade level has a website Our classroom website
Book Orders Book orders will be sent home monthly. If you wish to order books, please fill out the Scholastic form and send in a check. Or you can order them online by going to The books make great gifts and the more orders we have, the more books we receive for our classroom library!
Keys to Success in 2 nd Grade Get a good night’s sleep Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning and pack a healthy snack. We will have an afternoon snack due to our early lunch time (10:45 am). Arrive at school on time (before 8:30am). Close parent/teacher communication. Complete homework nightly. Be positive! Let them see your positive attitude about school!
I am looking forward to a wonderful year! Thank you for sharing your child with us and working with us to equip your child with keys to learning! Thank you for coming!