Board Work 2-24 ENG IV
Quiz Who were first two Romantic poets in England? What was their book? Who was the wild poet star who was famous for his scandals as well as his poetry? Who was the famous poet and a novelist couple?
Monsters Revisited We look at some things that could be monsters back at the beginning of the year with Beowulf, the embodiments of our fears. But what makes us monsters? What causes someone to be a monster? What are the problems a “monster” faces in society today? What might makes us sympathize with monster characters? (Consider the “good vampire” novels and other such things.) What does this show about us and our society?
Frame Stories What is the significance of the frame story? Why is it told from the perspective of the captain? What kind of person is the captain? What does this point in the story reveal to us about the monster and Frankenstein? What do we discover about this man who we see first at the end of his story? What does seeing him at the end of his story add, if anything?