Under Construction: Building your Executive & Chapter Meetings By Robyn Ollerton & Stacey Healy
Blueprinting- Planning a meeting Set a date, time, location Advertise through flyers, phone calls, s Send out agenda beforehand Assignments- Who discusses what topic, refreshments, bringing paperwork
Laying the Foundation What are the reasons for holding an executive meeting?
Why we hold executive meetings To meet with your teammates Update Schedule/Plan/Calendaring Brainstorm New/Old Business Chapter Issues
Laying the Foundation What are the reasons for holding a chapter meeting?
Why we hold chapter meetings Involve chapter members Discuss business Plan / announce upcoming events Delegate tasks to members Form committees Have fun~!!!
The Framework – Using an agenda for an executive meeting Who is the chair of the meeting (usually the vice-president) Date, Place, and Time List of topics to be discussed (i.e. new business, upcoming activities, announcements)
Provide copy of agenda for members, or write on a place where they can see it Have all items of old/new business Have prepared reports from officers, committees, etc. Check for grammatical errors The Framework – Using an agenda for a chapter meeting
Laying the Brick- Tips for a Successful Executive Meeting Be prepared: Bring planner, something to write with, paper, appropriate items pertaining to the agenda Complete assigned tasks in advance Be open-minded and willing to share ideas
Laying the Brick- Tips for a Successful Chapter Meeting Officers have opening ceremonies memorized Get members involved Formulate fun ideas – themed meetings, activities, prize drawings, etc. Practice proper parliamentary procedure
CAUTION! ROADBLOCKS AHEAD Hazardous Habits in Meetings Arriving Late Uncompleted tasks Being disruptive Not accommodating anyone’s ideas Coming unprepared Overusing parliamentary procedure
Finishing Touches Keep everyone involved Have a Phone-tree as a reminder Use a checklist to make sure your bases are covered.