College and Career Readiness Alternate Assessment Grade
2 CCRAA and PLAN Similarities Required Documentation NC Testing Code of Ethics Testing Environment Test Security Testing Window Prohibited Items
3 Eligible Students Enrolled in Grade 10 for the first time (according to PowerSchool) Must have a current IEP ◦Students with current IEPs who are identified as LEP, have scored below a 4.0 expanding on the W-APT and are first year in U.S. schools are exempt from the English and Reading portions of the assessment Must exhibit severe and pervasive delays in all areas of conceptual, linguistic, and academic development as well in adaptive behaviors, including communication, daily living skills and self-care. Must follow a course of study that may not lead to admission into a college-level course of study resulting in a college degree Must NOT be receiving instruction on the Extended Content Standards Must have written parental consent for an alternate assessment
4 Test Format Test Window: October 6 – 15 ◦Make up testing must occur during this window Maximum time is 150 minutes Verbal instructions must begin no later than 9:00 am Students will not stop when they complete each section. They should continue working through the test until time is called.
5 Test Administrators Must be a school staff member ◦Retired teachers working in your school are eligible Attend CCRAA training ◦Include accommodations during training Read and study the assessment guide prior to training Follow the NC Testing Code of Ethics Monitor students during testing Account for and return all test materials
6Proctors Required for each test administration regardless of the number of students testing NO ROVING PROCTORS 18 years or older and not currently a student enrolled in the K-12 public school system Registered with Cannot be assigned to a room where a relative/ward is to be tested, or with a TA who is a close friend Must monitor students during test session May not assist students in choosing responses, handle or be left alone with secure test materials Must receive training from STC or designee on NC Testing code of Ethics and the Proctor Guide
7 Irregularities All irregularities must be reported in OTISS on the day of the occurrence If a misadministration is declared, the student must be retested during the approved testing window
8 State Reading Policy Students MUST be permitted to read a novel or other non-textbook when they have completed testing ◦The TA must confirm that the student has finished testing by asking, “Are you sure you have finished testing?” ◦All testing materials must be collected ◦Reading material must be reviewed prior to allowing students to read to ensure that is does not include any notes Teachers may provide approved reading materials to students from their classroom
9 Accommodations Accommodations for CCRAA must be documented in a student’s IEP Students may receive Read Aloud on all sections of the CCRAA 1 st Year in U.S. LEP Exempt students should not answer questions in the English or Reading sections of the CCRAA Approved Accommodations are located in Appendix A of the assessment guide Review of Accommodations Used During Testing forms must be used by September 20 if you are in need of any special print
1010 Materials CCRAA Assessment Guide CCRAA Gr. 10 Test Books Precoded Answer Sheets ◦No QR code on grade 10 General Purpose Header Sheet ◦One per class or group tested Calculator ◦REQUIRED ◦Four function with memory key (Appendix D) ◦Must be cleared before and after testing ◦Can be used for the entire test Blank Paper Graph Paper No. 2 Pencils Paper Clips Timing device
1 School Name Teacher Name Last Name First Name Date of Birth PowerSchool # Questions 1 & 2 must be coded AFTER TESTING Special Codes Column E – 1, 1 st year in US Schools, LEP Exempt from English and Reading portions of the CCRAA Answer Sheet
1313 A General Purpose Header sheet is needed for each group of CCRAA tests (one per class OR one per school) School System Name Test Name School Code Teacher Name (You may choose 1) School Name Test Date Answer Key Code: CR10 Number of Answer Sheets
1414 Student Directions P. 25 – 34
1515 Scanning and Scoring CCRAA Grade 10 must be scanned Schools will receive a single score based on how many test items they answer correctly Scanning and Materials check in will take place at the Scoring Center on October 23 rd during PSAT check-in ◦Bring all CCRAA materials to Materials check-in Answer Sheets to be Scanned (w/ Header) Packing List(s) Used/Unused Test Books Unused Answer Sheets Used scratch paper and graph paper Assessment Guides Modified Materials -MIB, OIPP, Large Print, Braille -Misadministrations School Accountability Statement Test Day Certification Forms