Big East Football Conference for Young Students! By: Luke Waitt
Audience 5-6 th Graders Gifted & Talented Students Middle Class, Urban Community Students who excel in the classroom and need to be pushed in regards to learning because they become disinterested.
Environment Individual or Group Work At a Computer In a quiet study area where the students will not be disturbed.
Objective The students should be able to identify all 8 Big East Football schools when given access to a computer, and they should be able to answer all 3 questions correctly on the quiz.
Orientation There are 8 teams in the Big East Football Conference. The student will select a school and a slide will give them information about there choice. Let’s start learning about the Big East!
Directions! Read through the information given about each school Once you finish with a school, click the MAIN button to go back to the main menu, then select a new school At the end of the information, you will be given a quiz to test how well you understand the info HAVE FUN! Click to Start!
Big East Football Conference Connecticut PittsburghSyracuse CincinnatiWest Virginia Rutgers South Florida Louisville QUIZ Matching Activity
Connecticut Nickname- Huskies Location- Storrs, Connecticut They are famous for winning three national championships in basketball the past 15 years and their football team recently was promoted to Division I. MAIN
Pittsburgh Nickname- Panthers Location- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania They play their home games in the same stadium as the NFL Steelers. MAIN
Syracuse Nickname- Orange Location- Syracuse, New York They play in the same dome as their basketball team. MAIN
Cincinnati Nickname- Bearcats Location- Cincinnati, Ohio They won the Big East in seasons and played in two BCS bowl games. MAIN
West Virginia Nickname- Mountaineers Location- Morgantown, West Virginia They are the most successful football team in the Big East Conference. MAIN
Rutgers Nickname- Scarlet Knights Location- Piscataway, New Jersey They won their first bowl game in 2006, lead by their head coach Greg Shiano. MAIN
South Florida Nickname- Bulls Location- Tampa Bay, Florida They left Conference USA to join the Big East and reached as high as #2 in the 2006 rankings. MAIN
Louisville Nickname- Cardinals Location- Louisville, Kentucky Their stadium is named after Papa Johns Pizza. MAIN
Application 1.__ ConnecticutA. Cardinals 2.__ SyracuseB. Bearcats 3.__ RutgersC. Orange 4.__ PittsburghD. Scarlet Knights 5.__ West VirginiaE. Moutaineers 6.__ South Florida F. Panthers 7.__ LouisvilleG. Huskies 8.__ CincinnatiH. Bulls ANSWERS
Answers 1. G 2. C 3. D 4. F 5. E 6. H 7. A 8. B
QUIZ Now it’s time to see how well you grasped the information. Push BEGIN to start!BEGIN
Directions You will be given a question and 4 possible answers. If you are correct, you will be taken to a slide telling you to go to the next question. If the answer is incorrect, you will be able to go back to the main page and search for the correct answer! GOOD LUCK! CLICK TO START
That answer is incorrect Click the “Correct Answer” button to find the right answer! Correct Answer
Question #2 PITTSBURGHCINCINNATI SOUTH FLORIDARUTGERS What school is located in Piscataway, New Jersey?
You’re Right! The answer is Rutgers! NEXT QUESTION
That is the wrong answer Click the button below to find the right answer! Correct Answer
Question #3 LOUISVILLEPITTSBURGH SYRACUSEWEST VIRGINIA What school plays in the same stadium as the Steelers?
PERFECT! It’s the Pittsburgh Panthers! Now, click on the arrow in the bottom right corner to see how you did!
I’m sorry that answer is incorrect. Keep Trying! CORRECT ANSWER
QUIZ Summary If you were able to answer all three questions correctly, you have passed the lesson. Great Job and CONGRATULATIONS!
What you should have learned? The nicknames of all 8 Big East schools The city each are located in An overall understanding of all 8 teams Thank you for participating in this activity!
Image Sources rence.png rence.png _ncaa_louisville_logo_prod?layer=comp&wid=175&hei=175&fmt=jpeg&qlt=95,1&op_sharpen=1&r esMode=bicub&op_usm=0.5,0.2,0,0&iccEmbed=0&bgc=0xeeeeee&bgColor=0xeeeeee _ncaa_louisville_logo_prod?layer=comp&wid=175&hei=175&fmt=jpeg&qlt=95,1&op_sharpen=1&r esMode=bicub&op_usm=0.5,0.2,0,0&iccEmbed=0&bgc=0xeeeeee&bgColor=0xeeeeee bowl_2284_600x450.jpg bowl_2284_600x450.jpg