Mighty King of Zion 1 of 4 Capo: 3 Capo: 3 Em Em/D C D Em Em/D C D 1. Praise you Lord Mighty King of Zion Em C B7 Em C B7 Mighty God of Isra – el! Mighty.


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Presentation transcript:

Mighty King of Zion 1 of 4 Capo: 3 Capo: 3 Em Em/D C D Em Em/D C D 1. Praise you Lord Mighty King of Zion Em C B7 Em C B7 Mighty God of Isra – el! Mighty God of Isra – el! Em C D Save us Lord from the roa-ring lion, Save us Lord from the roa-ring lion, C D Em C D Em Cast down the workings of the Infidel ! Cast down the workings of the Infidel !

2of 4 G D C D G D C D O my strength I will sing Thy praises G D C B7 G D C B7 Thou O Lord are a shield to me Thou O Lord are a shield to me G D C D G D C D O my King though the battle rages O my King though the battle rages C D Em C D Em I look with vict’ry on my enemies ! I look with vict’ry on my enemies ! Refrain: Refrain:

3 of 4 Em Em/D C D Em Em/D C D 2. Rouse Thyself like a roaring fire Em C B7 Em C B7 Israel’s hope Bright Morning Star! Israel’s hope Bright Morning Star! Em C D Burn like chaff the father of liars Burn like chaff the father of liars C D Em C D Em Light up creation with Thy blazing pow’r Light up creation with Thy blazing pow’r

4 of 4 G D C D G D C D O my strength I will sing Thy praises G D C B7 G D C B7 Thou O Lord are a shield to me Thou O Lord are a shield to me G D C D G D C D O my King though the battle rages O my King though the battle rages C D Em C D Em I look with vict’ry on my enemies ! I look with vict’ry on my enemies ! Ending: Ending: C D Em Praise you Lord, Mighty King of Zion