Mystery Microbe Project
Introduction Part of your lab effort will be to discover the identity of a "mystery microbe". You will : perform experiments and deduce the identity of your unknown bacteria To do this you will: collect and record data in a laboratory log interpret your data and conclude the identity of your "mystery microbe"
Introduction The process of identifying your unknown bacteria is more important than determining its true identity. Only 10% of your grade (2/20pts) will be based on the identity of your unknown. The remaining 90% of your grade encompasses the process of condensing your data into a descriptive chart and then writing an argument to support the identification of your unknown bacteria.
Purpose Perform experiments using standard microbiological techniques. Keep a scientific record of your experiments that is accurate and complete. Analyze observations to draw conclusions. Use scientific documentation. Analyze data, research unknown bacteria possibilities and prepare a report summarizing your findings and the identity of your "mystery microbe". Use relevant resources and references correctly to solidify the identification argument.
Should you Freak Out?! NO!!! You can not start early on this project We will step through it as a class You won’t be able to start the identification process until you have all the data that we collect throughout the term
Advise Keep your Log up to date Do the very best you can not to get contamination Don’t worry about the identification process and report writing until the time comes, without all the information you can’t effectively do either