Complete the “High – 5” form Write YOUR child’s name and number on the homework buddy label If interested, fill out the volunteer form Read about your child’s goal for this year Learn about accessing grades online Brush up on the importance of Reading and the Everyday Math Curriculum
Back to School Night September 12, 2012 Mrs. Wooleyhan
Get Ready 8:50 Reading 9:00 Recess 10:30 Science/S.S. 10:45 Writing 11:30 Computers 12:15 Lunch 12:45 Math 1:25 Pack up 2:20 Special 2:30
Monday: Library Tuesday: P.E. Wednesday: Guidance Thursday: Music Friday: Art
Majority is counted for completion, not accuracy Usual Suspects– Spelling page, Math page, Reading for 20 minutes Counted for 2 grades each trimester No homework = no credit, but can be made up! 3 no homeworks in a month = parent contact What’s the homework tonight? Check assignment book Check on-line Call Homework Buddy
Bathroom There is no bathroom in the room Need to follow bathroom times as much as possible! Late Lunch - please pack a snack! Water Bottles – only when it’s hot! Assignment Books
Homerun Calendar In the front of assignment book Please check daily 3 strikes and you’re out! Results in parent contact And loss of privilege: recess, computers, assembly, etc.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys 90 minute block 30 minutes whole group 60 minutes of small group/independent work Reading Counts! Reading Logs Assessment Lesson Quizzes, Unit Tests, Station Work, Reading Logs
Being a Writer Modes: Narrative, Informational, and Persuasive 5 th Grade Writing PSSA Assessments :5 Domains of Effective Writing Focus Organization Content Style Conventions
Pilot Teacher Everyday Math and Envisions Math Facts – Multiplication/Division Assessment/Grades Chapter tests, small weekly quizzes, math facts, projects, homework completion
5-6 week Rotation Social Studies Alive! Hands-on and interactive American History: The 1 st Colonies – Declaration Microworlds – Mrs. Keefer 1 st trimester Ecosystems – Mrs. Wooleyhan 2 nd trimester Motion and Design – Mrs. Keefer – 3 rd trimester
PSSA Reading, Math, Writing Scores Map Testing – Fall, Winter, Spring Reading Unit Tests Writing Prompts – Fall and Spring Report Cards
Check my website for updates Check your child’s take-home folder Become a member of the PTL Volunteer to help out in the classroom Attend school board meetings
Quickest way to reach me Call ext Assignment book Check Webpage Look for Newsletters Check take-home folder If you send a note/information to school, make sure your student knows!