INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE DGAS, current status & plans Andrea Guarise EGEE JRA1 All Hands Meeting Plzen July 11th, 2006
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI A Grid accounting infrastructure A generic grid accounting infrastructure should cover the requirements of tree type of customers: Sites, VOs and their users, grid administrators. While fulfilling the requirements it must also be secure, flexible and scalable. Site accounting database Site layer Usage MeteringResource’s layer VO accounting database Users/VO layer grid accounting databasegrid layer Web reports: -Aggregate info -Sites load -Anonymised statistics -Aggregate VO info -Group/Role info -Detailed User info -Job level info -Aggregate site info -VO (with role/group) usage on the site. -Detailed Resource Usage info -Job level info
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Metering(1) DGAS provides its own metering system, which is used to retrieve usage records for jobs running on the Computing Elements. It is however always possible to replace DGAS legacy metering system with other metering system using the provided APIs to send Usage Records to the DGAS accounting database (known as HLR). DGAS metering system is logically composed by two distinct set of sensors: –Gianduia: retrieves Usage Records for grid-jobs (With user DN, gridJobId, userVO, VOMS FQAN). –DGAS-outOfBand: retrieves Usage Records for locally submitted jobs or for grid jobs that, for whatever reason, where impossible to retrieve via Gianduia (in this case the usage record will not contain the user certificate’s DN and the grid Job Id, but does contain the user VO).
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Metering(2) Recent version of the Blahpd-based gLite Computing Elements, and future versions of the LCG GRAM based Computing Elements will be able to write an accounting log files for Grid Jobs. Such log file will contain, for every Grid Job, the following information: Timestamp, userDN, userFQAN, ceId, jobId, lrmsId, localUser. These information are useful to map the local lrmsId of the job with its grid related information and to the grid identity of the user who submitted the job. For these Computing Element a new, simpler, metering sensor is provided, it is known as dgasURCollector. It can retrieve Usage Records for both the Grid Jobs and the local ones. On such computing elements this metering sensor replaces both Gianduia and outOfBand.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Usage record Grid Job, GianduiaGridJob, URCollectorLocal or Grid, outOfBand gridJobIdYES NO startDateYES endDateYES userGridIdYES NO resourceGridIdYES NO vomsFQANYES NO Virtual OrganisationYES lrmsIdYES localUserIdYES localGroupYES cpuTimeYES wallClockTimeYES Phisycal MemoryYES Virtual MemoryYES SpecInt2KYES NO SpecFloat2KYES NO CostYES NO lrmsHost + lrmsQueueYES
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Site HLR The site HLR is a service designed to manage a set of ‘accounts’ for the Computing Elements of a given computing site. For each job executed on a Computing Element (or a on local queue), the Usage Record for that job is stored on the RDBMS of the site HLR. Each site HLR can: Receive Usage Records from the registered Computing Elements. Answer to site manager queries such as: –Datailed job list queries (with many search keys: per user, VO, FQAN,CEId…) –Aggregate usage reports, such as per hour, day, month…, with flexible search criteria. Optionally forward Usage Records to APEL database. Optionally forward Usage Records to a VO specific HLR. Site HLR Site layer Usage MeteringResource’s layer -Aggregate site info -VO (with role/group) usage on the site. -Detailed Resource Usage info -Job level info GOC
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI VO HLR The VO HLR is a service designed to manage a set of ‘accounts’ for the Users belonging to a Virtual Organisation. The VO HLR receives a copy of the Usage Records for the jobs executed on computing sites that authorise the site HLR to forward the records to the User/VO HLR Each VO HLR can be queried to obtain information about user Jobs (both detailed and aggregate views). Unprivileged users are authorised to acces just to their own records, while authorised people (VO managers), can access to broader set of records. Site HLR Site layer Usage MeteringResource’s layer VO HLR Users/VO layer -Aggregate VO info -Group/Role info -Detailed User info -Job level info -Aggregate site info -VO (with role/group) usage on the site. -Detailed Resource Usage info -Job level info
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Deployment DGAS (tag 3_1_3, form gLite 3.1 branch) is currently deployed in INFNGrid and it is the official INFNGrid accouting tool, used as the source of information for the accounting monthly reports to the GOC. Actual INFNGrid deployment uses just the metering system (for both LCG2.7 and gLite3.0 Computing Elements), and sites HLR. The sites that currently have a working HLR are: –INFN-T1* –INFN-Catania –INFN-Padova –INFN-Frascati –INFN-Legnaro –INFN-Milano –INFN-Napoli –INFN-Pisa –INFN-Roma1 –INFN-Torino * (It uses the already existing INFNGrid T1 ad hoc monitoring&metering system known as RedEye, which communicates the job Usage Records to the T1 HLR using the DGAS APIs.)
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI dgas2apel DGAS Usage Records tables can be converted into APEL LCGRecords table structure. This is done with a translation tool nemed ‘dgas2apel’ that simply translates DGAS Usage Records into a local (to the HLR) instance of the LCGRecords table. This instance of the table can then be sent to the GOC APEL database. This can be performed using the already existing APEL producer that uses RGMA to send the sites LCGRecords table to the GOC. The translation tool is already tested and working. Test activities on the transport using APEL producer should start soon. The aim is to send INFN Grid production records directly to the GOC using this mechanism.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Next steps Currently we’re testing the candidate for the next INFNGrid DGAS release. It shall be a minor update comprehending some improvements in querying functionalities, error reporting and system management. Next step will be to port DGAS to gLite3.0 (it is currently in the 3.1 branch) for integration and certification. The foreseen roadmap will be to start with the adoption of the metering infrastructure and the site HLRs. VO level HLRs, altough being already available, will not be adopted from the beginning but just in a second iteration. Longer term development efforts foreseen are: –Full integration with G-PBox to implement grid usage quotas. –Storage Accounting (currently design and analysis is ongoing, in collaboration with Tri-GRID). –Improved and simplifyied metering system, with full adoption of GGF-URWG Usage Record standard, which is currently being finalised (In collaboration with OSG and APEL). –RUS interface to DGAS (with OMII-EU)
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Conclusion. Further information about DGAS can be found at: –DGAS website: –DGAS User Guides: &version= &version=1