Notice for Oil We would like to inform you of oil registered on our EPC system as official parts. Concerning detail performance and technical information for oil, please refer the attached sheets. If you have any question, please let us know. Best regards, A/S Parts Export Team Part No.Part NameVol.Remarks OIL-ENGINE1L Hi-Performax 5W-40 PURE SYNTHETIC OIL OIL-ENGINE5L Hi-Performax 5W-40 PURE SYNTHETIC OIL OIL-P/STRG1L76 Super ATF OIL-ENGINE1L PENNZOIL ULTRA TURBO 10W40 SEMI-SYNTHETIC OIL OIL-ENGINE5L PENNZOIL ULTRA TURBO 10W40 SEMI-SYNTHETIC OIL
[Description] Hi Performax motor oil is a premium quality, Full synthetic engine oil designed primarily for use in High-Performance European and North American vehicles operating under severe driving or extreme temperature conditions. [Applications] ◈ Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Porches, Volkswagen and SsangYong automobiles except TDI diesel engines equipped with unit injectors and DPFS. ◈ Passenger cars, light diesel trucks and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) ◈ API service SL, CF ◈ ACCA A3/B3-04, A3/B4-04 Hi-Performax motor oil is fully approved for service fill under the following OEM specifications. * SsangYong Vehicles approved per its OEM specifications * Mercedes Benz Sheet * BMW long life- 01 oil * Porsche automobiles / VW / [Features/Benefits] * Outstanding resistance to viscosity and thermal breakdown at high temperatures for long drain intervals. * Protect against sludge and varnish formation * Excellent wear protection * Protect against rust and bearing corrosion * Low volatility for reduced oil consumption * Excellent low-temperature pumpability for protection during cold starts * Good foam resistance. *Pass the stringent JASO Valve train wear test.
[Description] 76 Super ATF is a high quality transmission fluid recommended for use in most GM and Ford automatic transmissions in 2005 and earlier model-year vehicles. [Applications] ◈ Service fill in GM and Ford ATF in 2005 and earlier model-year vehicles ◈ import vehicles where the same ATF is recommended by the automaker. ◈ MB approved ATF ◈ Allison C-4 ◈ Industrial and mobile hydraulic systems. ◈ Do not recommend for use in ATF that require a GM Dexron VI or Ford Mercon V Fluid or CVT(Continuously Variable transmission) [Features/Benefits] ◈ Proper frictional properties for smooth shifting and excellent anti- shudder performance. ◈ Excellent thermal stability and oxidation resistance for long fluid life. ◈ Excellent low temperature properties. ◈ Product against wear, rust and corrosion ◈ Minimizes sludge and varnish deposits. ◈ Good seal compatibility ◈ Suitable for both automotive and industrial applications.