Educreations Character Sketch/Party Planning Follow the directions below to complete the activity. 1.Tap on the app on the iPad. 2.Tap “ new lesson ” at the top left hand corner of the screen. 3.Create a title page by choosing a color and typing the title of your presentation. 4.Tap the “ rec ” icon at the top right corner of the screen once. You will record yourself saying the title of the this lesson. 5.Tap the “ rec ” icon again when you are finished recording yourself. 6.Tap the arrow at the bottom right corner of the screen to move to the next slide. 7.Create a “Beginning”-identify your character. Explain who you are, what you do, and any other identifying characteristics of yourself. 8.Insert a picture of your character. You will go online and find a picture of your character. Save it to “camera roll.” Then, click the icon and choose your picture. Repeat steps 4 and 6. 9.Create a “Middle”-Describe your character traits and reasons you behave that way. What do you eat? What do you wear? How do you interact with others? What do you like to do? What do you care about that happens in the world around you? 10.Repeat steps 4, 6, and Create an “end”-End by explaining how you expect to interact with Scrooge at the party. Tell what you are looking forward to, or not, regarding Scrooge’s new outlook, your future relationship, and new year that is beginning. 12.Repeat steps 4, 6, and It will ask you who you want to share this lesson with, tap “ my students ”. 14.Next tap “ English ” as the subject area. 15.Finally tap “ save ” This task uses: Common Core/NG Standard(s): ELA-1-M4. – Interpreting (e.g., paraphrasing, comparing, contrasting) texts with supportive explanations to generate connections to real-life situations and other texts (e.g., business, technical, scientific) ELA-5-M4. – Using available technology to produce, revise, and publish a variety of works (e.g., documented research reports, investigative reports, annotated bibliographies) (1, 3, 4) You will use the educreations app on your iPad to narrate your character sketch and plan your Christmas Carol party.