Gaming Control Devices By:Rosa Cruz and Dominique Mitchener 2nd Period Intro to Engineering Design
The first game controller was produced in 1962 for Spacewar which was also the first computer-based video game that wasn’t a simple game that was already created that could be played by hand. The controller was on the computer and had only four switches which soon ran into many problems that would later on be redesigned for players to have a better advantage of playing. Although this was the first controller that was released there was a controller and a game before SpaceWar that was a table game with a controller of just a knob and button but it never left testing as stated by the book The Rise and Fall of Videogames and William Lu. This game and controllers creator was Steve Russell. Production
● 10.2cm x 8.9cm Wooden boxes ● PDP-1 emulator ● two thumbsticks ● printed circuit board ● button for shooting ● black acrylic sheet ● ribbon cable ● and etc... Materials used
After SpaceWar was created more games were being created and in 1964 John Kemeny had created a way to make games more easier to be able to program games. As games improve along so did the controllers which changed to two switches to changing into a joystick which controlled better. Over the years the controller changed through many different designs from small controllers to handle better for players and be able to let them still be able to play and control well. Soon the D-pad was created which helped movement in games better than the joystick.Controllers change go to floor controlling, handheld consoles with the controls built into and soon later on to motion sensed controls and hand free control. Improvements
Video games are used to play games in video form. Usage?
Video Game consoles and controllers have opened up many job careers and companies that make games for millions of people all over the world.Controllers have taken many different shapes to form and is becoming from handheld controllers to being able to play games with using motion sensors and letting people experience more control and balance in games. Global Impact
For the next next generation game i would add so much more newer technology to the console. like i would add a camera to the front of the console and in order to unlock it the owner would have to let the console recognise his/her face. Changes?
●Lu, W. (n.d.). Evolution of Video Game Controllers. Retrieved August 11, ●Video Game History Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved August 11, ●Marks, R. (2010). Moving Innovation Game Technology. Retrieved August 12, ●Tilley, T. (2015). Space War Controllers! Retrieved August 12, References
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