Webquest Cody Flowers Core 1-2 September 28,2007
Title My question is what are the consequences of Global Warming if nothing is done about it now?
What will happen If we do not do anything about global warming now the earth is going to keep getting hotter and hotter The ice caps in the north and south will melt.
What will happen cont. There will also start being more extreme weather like the the Hurricane Katrina that just happened in New Orleans. We are also starting to have massive droughts where whole entire lakes are drying out
What will happen cont. There will also be less land because if the ice caps melt the water in the ocean will rise and the land will be swallowed. The world will be a lot hotter and the population will increase and there will not be enough land for all of the people on the planet.
Citations " Truth and Consequences-There is Not Right and Left, Only Right and Wrong." Truth and Consequences- There is No Left and Right, Only Right and Wrong. 19 Dec "Energy Efficient Homes." Energy Efficient Homes. 19 Dec "Center for Global Warming Developement." Center for Global Warming Developement. 19 Dec
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