Paper II Topic Scotland and the impact of the Great Introduction and How Useful
General Information Time – 1 Hour 25 Minutes There will be 4 questions 5 Sources, mixture of Primary and Secondary You must use the information in the sources! You must use information not in the source ie RECALLED KNOWLEDGE
Types of Question 1.Source Evaluation – How useful type of question worth 5 marks 2.Source Comparison – To what extent type question worth 5 Marks 3.How Far question – to test a part of the course worth 10 marks 4.How fully question – To test a main part of the course worth 10 marks
Question 1 Source Evaluation You have to judge how good the source is! Remember all sources will shed some light on the events of the past…..
Key Phrases The source is quite useful….. The source is partly useful….. The source is useful to an extent ……
Origin Worth 1 mark. Is the Source –Original –Contemporary –Primary –Secondary
Key Phrases The source was written or drawn by…. The source comes from….. For secondary source –With the benefit of hindsight….. –After much research ….
Purpose 1 mark awarded for purpose or reason for the source Why was it written? Why was it taken? Why was it produced? Eg. The source was written to show the horrors of the trenches for Scottish Soldiers fighting on the western front.
Commenting on Content 2 Marks are awarded for this. You must select a point from the source and explain why the evidence is relevant to the question. You must explain in considerable detail!
Key Phrases! Source identifies ……. Source comments ……. Source highlights ……… Source refers to…… Source explains ……
Relevant & Recalled Knowledge 2 marks can be awarded here for detailed knowledge of the source Knowledge that you know that is not mentioned in the source that would add to its value.
Key Phrases However the source fails to mention ….. There were however other factors not discussed….. The source may be biased because…..
Conclusion Write a conclusion of 2 sentences to round up your answer
Key Phrases Overall the source ….. Source requires more detail ….. Source requires more evidence……