By Anna Sattler 04-05
Born March 3rd, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Died in Nova Scotia on August 7th, Birth and death dates
Family His family was known for eluction. His Father was expert on the deaf and teaching them. His mother was deaf. He had one brother, Melville.
The Early Years Could read and write at a very early age. Developed a love for sound and music as well as vocalization.
Education Graduated form Royal High School of Edinburgh at only 13 Taught elution and music at boarding school when 16 When 17, he went to collage at the University of Edinburgh.
Inventions Had 18 patents in his name, and shared 12 with colleagues. electric piano Telephone photophone phonograph hydroplanes
The Telephone The telephone was patented on march 7th, 1876 First successful telephone call made 3 days later. (march 10th) “Watson, some here! I need you!” (first phone call)
The Path to the Telephone Original telephone Telephone made from improvements made to the telegraph Alexander G. Bell worked with Thomas Watson in creating the telephone.
Diagram of a telephone
How a phone works The telephone has two main parts- a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter is like an electronic ear. It picks up the sound waves and sends them to the other side. The receiver is like an electric mouth and “speaks” what the transmitter sends it.
A “real” telephone A real telephone is more complex but not by much. Some additional things on a real telephone are: duplex coil bell touch-tone keypad frequency generator
Receiving calls When someone dials your number, the frequencies sent from the other line find their way to your house by the number. The frequency goes into your phone and triggers the frequency generator in your phone to make it ring.
How a phone is wired There are two copper wires running from the telephone lines on the street to the box by the side of the road The two wires run from the box to the house and is connected to all the phone jacks in the house.
Multiple Phone Lines If a house has multiple phone lines, they are wired the same but there are sets of the wires running into the house and are often color-coded.
Cell phones Fairly new invention transmit signals by satellite instead of with wires are much smaller and compact than regular phones
About me That picture’s back from when I had really long hair. I like most kinds of music, dancing, talking, and being a nerdy-klutz. Some people say I’m a weirdo goth, but they don’t know me. I just happen to like combat boots.