Lala Hajibayova
Project aims to Create RDF model of FRBR, based on sample of five OCLC bibliographic records Query model using SPARQL and Jena
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) a conceptual model of bibliographic universe
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:rdfs=" xmlns:cls=" Manifestation of the Resource Medium of the Resource A short description of the entity responsible for the resource Entity Description A preferred title of the resource Preferred Title A variant title of the resource Variant Title Resource Composition Date Composition Date Resource Original Language Original Language Resource Unique Identifier (ISBN, ISSN, URL etc) Resource Unique Identifier Resource Manifestation Manifestation Resource Edition Edition Resource Issue Date Issue Date Resource Format (print, electronic, audio) Format
Retrieving formOfTheWork “Sonata” SELECT ?formOfTheWork WHERE { ?formOfTheWork "Sonata". }
Retrieving dateOfWork with mediumOfPerformance “piano” SELECT ?mediumOfPerformance ?dateOfWork WHERE { ?x ?dateOfWork. ?x "piano". }
Filter works with date –“1800” SELECT ?date WHERE { ?date ?dateOfWork. FILTER regex (?dateOfWork, "1800", "i") }
Retrieving PreferredTitleForTheWork with matching variantTitleForTheWork SELECT ?preferredTitleForTheWork ?variantTitleForTheWork WHERE { ?title ?preferredTitleForTheWork. ?title ?variantTitleForTheWork. }
Retrieving PreferredTitleForTheWork with OPTIONAL requirements of retrieving variantTitleForTheWork SELECT ?preferredTitleForTheWork ?variantTitleForTheWork WHERE { ?title ?preferredTitleForTheWork. OPTIONAL { ?title ?variantTitleForTheWork } }