What is a reptile? The major groups of reptiles are alligators and crocodiles, turtles, lizards, and snakes. All reptiles are cold-blooded, which is why they warm themselves in the sun. All reptiles are vertebrates, animals with backbones.
How are reptiles born? Most reptiles are born from eggs. Most reptiles reproduce by internal fertilization. Even the reptiles that live in the water come to dry land to reproduce. The female lays eggs into a humid, warm place where the sun hatches the eggs.
Reptile bodies are covered by dry scales. The scales give the reptiles external protection. What kind of skin do reptiles have?
What do reptiles eat? Most reptiles are carnivorous that means they eat meat. Many reptiles eat other animals, from insects to mammals like mice and rabbits. They swallow the victim whole. They use teeth only to hold the victim. A small number of reptile species eat only plants.
Where do reptiles live? Most reptiles live on land. Although some reptiles live either temporarily or permanently in the water, it is not vital for reproduction and development. Most reptiles live in warmer and drier places like deserts and semi deserts.
Reptiles are low to the ground and all, except snakes and a few lizards, have four legs. Most reptiles crawl. How do reptiles move?
Yes, reptiles are very important to people. People use reptiles’ skin (scales) to make bags, shoes, boats, belts, etc. Are reptiles useful to people?
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