The New Curriculum and Assessments January 2016
Objectives for this evening Examine and discuss the new curriculum Look at how the children will be assessed at the end of Year 2 and 6. Look at examples from tests that children will be undertaking. Discuss new arrangements for assessment for the end of year and interim reports Share how we, as a school, assess children.
Assessment – Government Principles Accountability is key to a successful school system, and therefore must be fair and transparent. Measures of both progress and attainment are important for understanding school performance; and, A broad range of information should be published to help parents and the wider public know how well schools are performing.
New Curriculum From September 2014 we had a new curriculum for all subjects. There has been a reduction in the content in the non core subjects - with a clear emphasis on maths, literacy, oracy and science. There are no time limits or suggested ways to teach the curriculum – it is up to us.
The New Curriculum - Aims The National Curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said; and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
Where to look at the curriculum? We have a copy of the National Curriculum on our school website in the curriculum section. Each term year groups also share the curriculum areas that they are covering in their newsletters and topic webs.
No levels In our previous system children would be awarded a level in each subject area with level 6 being the highest. There are now no longer levels – but year group expectations – so a programme of study for what a child needs to be able to do to be deemed at ‘ the expected level’.
Interim Assessments The government has produced two interim documents to give us some guidance on how to assess children’s attainment at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. We will be asked to report to families whether children are: Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard
What Assessments will take place ? a short Reception baseline - eventually this will be used to measure progress of schools. a phonics check near the end of year 1; a teacher assessment at the end of key stage 1 in mathematics; reading; and, writing, informed by pupils’ scores in externally-set but internally- marked tests (writing will be partly informed by the grammar, punctuation and spelling test); and teacher assessment of speaking and listening and science;
What Assessments will take place ? National tests at the end of key stage 2 in: mathematics; reading; grammar, punctuation and spelling; and a teacher assessment of mathematics, reading, writing, and science.
Key Stage 2 The results of the tests in reading; mathematics; and, grammar, punctuation and spelling will be reported to pupils and parents as scaled scores – with 100 being the expected score.
Let’s have a look at some of them
Our School Assessment On Jan 29 th at KS2 and 5 th Feb for Year 2 – you will all be receiving an interim report. This is so that we can give you some indications of how well your child is doing in reading, writing and maths at the moment. We hope to be able to use these for our end of year reports to you. This also helps us to show progress between the key points of assessment.
Attainment Grades –our thoughts The possible grades for a child to achieve in a year group would be: <= 20% F (working beneath year group related) >= 35% E >= 55% D (towards) >= 70% C (expected) >= 85% B (at greater depth) >= 95% A
Developmental Expectations Autumn Term ( December) Spring Term ( March) Summer Term ( July) Year 11E1D1C Year 2 2E2D2C Year 33E3D3C Year 44E4D4C Year 55E5D5C Year 66E6D6C
Ongoing Teacher Assessment As a school we feel that our day to day assessment is really important. Every lesson teachers are assessing whether or not a child is able to understand a learning objective and how confident they are. We log these on our school assessment system and also reflect this is our marking.
Parents are vital !! Your support and encouragement for your children is so important to help us to help your child. Through regular practise of the fundamentals such as spelling, reading and timetables you will really help your child to make really good progress. We cannot thank you enough for your support.