Strategic Teaching and Evaluation of Progress STEP STEP
Objectives By the end of this brief session, leaders will be able to… Identify the similar and different elements within each STEP level Administer an assessment with a partner
End of the Year Goals Kindergarten—Step 3 1st grade—Step 6 2nd grade—Step 9 3rd grade—Step 12 Have leaders look at page 8 (handout)
Commonalities among LEVELS Reading Record Developmental Spelling (after STEP 5 it’s not required to move on) Comprehension Conversation
STEPs 1 through 3 Letter-Name Identification Letter-Sound Identification Phonemic Awareness Concepts About Print Oral Reading (STEP 2 scholars read 2 books) Comprehension Conversation Developmental Spelling Refer to handouts pages 16-22 Note that the targets are different for each skill
STEPs 4 and 5 Oral Reading Accuracy Rate Fluency Comprehension Conversation Developmental Spelling 90% accuracy
STEPs 6 and 7 Oral Reading Accuracy Rate Fluency Comprehension Conversation Silent Reading Developmental Spelling
STEPs 8 through 12 Oral Reading Accuracy Rate Fluency Comprehension Conversation Comprehension Writing Story Retelling Silent Reading Developmental Spelling
Faculty Needs How… Ongoing conversation Common language Goal: Build consistency in administering, scoring and interpreting How… Ongoing conversation Common language Learn STEP texts and tests
Practice Time…