Andrew Jackson’s Presidency (1829-1837) But first, a word about the 1824 election…


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Presentation transcript:

Andrew Jackson’s Presidency ( ) But first, a word about the 1824 election…

Results of the 1824 Election Results of the 1824 Election A “Corru pt Bargai n?” Electoral College Votes needed to win: 131

1824 Election: Democratic- Republican Party Splits! No EC majority in 1824 election No EC majority in 1824 election House of Reps choose JQ Adams over A. Jackson House of Reps choose JQ Adams over A. Jackson –Jacksonians accuse Adams of stealing the presidency (a corrupt bargain?) Adams appts. Henry Clay as Sec. of State Adams appts. Henry Clay as Sec. of State –Corrupt bargain for sure! – say Jacksonians Demo.-Repub. Party torn apart Demo.-Repub. Party torn apart –Clay’s supporters = Nat’l Republican Party Dem-Reps  Natl. Reps.(1828)  Whigs (1832)  Republicans (1854) Dem-Reps  Natl. Reps.(1828)  Whigs (1832)  Republicans (1854) –Jackson’s supporters = Democratic Party

1828 Election Results

Jacksonian Democracy Cronyism = Jobs for the Homies!!! Cronyism = Jobs for the Homies!!! Jackson’s spoils systems… Jackson’s spoils systems… –Incoming Presidents can provide jobs to supporters. His heart & soul was with the “plain folk.” His heart & soul was with the “plain folk.” Belief that the common man was capable of uncommon achievements. Belief that the common man was capable of uncommon achievements.

The Inaugural Ball

Indian Removal Act (1830) Forced eviction of Nat. Amer’s. from their areas to W. of the Mississippi Riv. Forced eviction of Nat. Amer’s. from their areas to W. of the Mississippi Riv. Cherokee fought it in court. Cherokee fought it in court. –Worcester v. Georgia (Supreme Court) –Decision: Indians could not be removed. Jackson ignored ruling. Jackson ignored ruling. “(Sup. Court Justice) John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”

Trail of Tears ( ) See map page 125. See map page tribes “relocated” 5+ tribes “relocated” ¼ Cherokee pop. died on the 800 mile trip. ¼ Cherokee pop. died on the 800 mile trip. The path is known as the Trail of Tears. The path is known as the Trail of Tears.

Tariffs Cause Problems… Tariff of 1828 or “Tariff of Abominations” Tariff of 1828 or “Tariff of Abominations” –Many Amer’s forced to buy products built in the N. b/c tariff on Brit. products too expensive –British stop buying so much cotton from the South Southerners angry! S. Carolina nullified the tariffs. S. Carolina nullified the tariffs. Threatened to secede (separate from the Union) Threatened to secede (separate from the Union) –1833: Henry Clay worked out a compromise. Taxes would be lowered over a 10 year period Taxes would be lowered over a 10 year period

Jackson’s Bank Wars The 2nd Bank of the U.S. Jackson vetoes The 2nd Bank of the U.S. Jackson vetoes A monopolized agent of the rich? A monopolized agent of the rich? –Loans given to gov’t officials w/out repayment –No loans for the commonfolk… Jackson w/draws funds ($) and puts them in “pet banks” who were loyal to the Democratic Party Jackson w/draws funds ($) and puts them in “pet banks” who were loyal to the Democratic Party

Legacy of Jackson Depression! Depression! –State banks (Jackson’s Pet Banks) mishandled $$. –Printed more cash than gold reserves. Panic of 1837 Panic of 1837 –People made a run on banks. –Credit failures. –People lose their savings –Businesses go bankrupt

The Panic of 1837 Spreads Quickly!

Write the following questions in your notes: What does this cartoon suggest about Jackson’s attitude toward the Constitution? How does this cartoon particularly comment on Jackson’s use of presidential power?