Take a Stand Bully Prevention and Awareness
What is Bullying? Aggression that occurs when a child is exposed, repeatedly to negative actions by one or more children. Bullying can take place in many forms: 1) Physical 2) Social 3) Verbal What are some forms of physical, social, and verbal bullying?
Facts on Bullying Bullying happens once every 7 minutes on the playground and once every 25 minutes in the classroom. Boys report more physical bullying while girls report more gossip and exclusion. It takes less than one minute to bully, but emotional scars last a lifetime. By the age of 24, 60% of boy bullies have criminal records.
Who is Involved in Bullying? 1) Bully 2) Victim 3) Bystander Look at this picture. Who is the bully? Who is the victim? Who is the bystander?
Bullying Behaviours It may involve one bullying another or groups against other groups. Often children who have been bullied or abused themselves. They bully to make themselves feel competent, successful, to control someone else, to get some relief from their own feelings of powerlessness.
Who can be a Victim? Anyone can be the target of bullying. Characteristics of children more prone to be picked on: 1) Low self-esteem 2) Insecure 3) Lack of social skills 4) Cry or easily emotional 5) Unable to defend or stand up for themselves Why do you think bullies tend to pick on these types of people?
Who is a Bystander? A bystander is someone who sees the bullying take place. Bystanders are the key to stopping bullying. By doing nothing, they are contributing to the problem. When peers intervene, bullying stops within 10 seconds 60% of the time. Watching the bully and showing a lack of support to the victim reinforces the act of bullying.
Group Discussion In your groups, print on chart paper as many ideas about your topic as possible. GROUP 1: Ways to put an end to bullying GROUP 2: What the victim can do GROUP 3: What bullies need to do
Ways to Stop Bullying Recognize Bullying Keep Track of Places Define Cool Speak Up! Help the Victim Bullies Need Help Too Walk Away Choose Your Friends Wisely Share the Responsibility
Tips for Kids Being Bullied Stay Calm Don’t Fight Back Try to Calmly Withdraw From the Situation Give Your Stuff Up Avoid Being Alone Don’t Be Afraid To Tell an Adult Don’t Give Up
Tips For Bullies Weigh the Odds Put Yourself in Their Shoes Appreciate Peoples Differences Control Your Temper Cool Down Express Emotions/Feelings Differently
Class Discussion What did you learn about bullying? How do you feel about bullying? Is bullying happening in our school? What can we do to stop or prevent bullying?