Hawaii The Aloha State
"UA MAU KE EA O KA ĀINA I KA PONO," ("The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness") Hawaii was once an independent kingdom. ( ) The flag was designed at the request of King Kamehameha I. It has eight stripes of white, red and blue that represent the eight main islands. The flag of Great Britain is emblazoned in the upper left corner to honor Hawaii's friendship with the British.
Hawaii 132 volcanoes/islands 132 volcanoes/islands 1500 miles long 1500 miles long 8 main islands 8 main islands 2400 miles from 2400 miles from mainland mainland
Hawaiian Islands. See below for directions.
Oahu: 80% of the population
Hawaii: ½ the land mass
Muana Loa and Kilawea
Waikiki / Diamond Head
Pearl Harbor
Loihi: New Island
Lanai: Pineapples / Tourism
Molokai: Cliffs
Kauai: Gardens / Lots of Rain
Maui: Beaches
King Kamehameha Queen Liliuokolani
Iolani Palace: Only U.S. Royal Palace
Pineapple / Sugarcane
Hula Dancers