Alex Smith Orewa College Julia Breen Howick College Natasha Low Epsom Girls Grammar Natasha Hemara Lynfield College Acknowledge the work of Chris Williams, Anne McKay, Serena Ball, Lorna Gillespie & Sue McBain
Look at the 2013 Specs and the Standard Background information/terms/models Action Competence Process This is a new spec and we acknowledge a lot of schools are not doing the associated standards
Health promotion and leadership principles as applied to taking action in a physical activity context
Health Promotion is a process that helps to create supportive physical and emotional environments in classrooms, whole schools, communities and society..…Health promotion encourages students to make a positive contribution to their own wellbeing and that of their communities and environments Health and Physical Education in the New Zealand curriculum page 32
Health Promotion Is a process That helps to create Supportive physical and emotional environment To encourage students to Make a positive contribution to their own wellbeing and that of communities and environment
There are 3 main models (they are not mutually exclusive) ◦ 1. Behavioural Change Model ◦ 2. Self-Empowerment Model ◦ 3. Collective Action Model Reference: Models of health promotion perspective/Defining-health-promotion/Models-of-health-promotion
Preventative approach Focus on lifestyle behaviours that impact health ‘Medicalised’ view of health. Educates about health. Based on the idea that giving people information will change their beliefs, attitudes and behaviours. Ignores influences of SPEECH. Reflects ‘healthism’ Focus on risk rather than protective/preventative Tends to be negative
Seeks to develop the individuals ability to control their own health. Focus is on enhancing an individuals sense of personal identity and self worth. Helps people to know where, when, why and how to seek help. Encourages independence. Recognises things that may be beyond their control
Takes into account the interrelationship between the individual and the environment View that health is determined by factors outside their control eg SPEECH Community empowerment People individually and collectively make a change. By all for all. Engages people in critical action that can contribute to positive change Takes a holisitic approach – inclusive of hauora
Smoking packs Depression program Drink driving adverts Schools having healthy options or only healthy food in tuck shop.
Smoking packs Drink driving adverts Using phone and driving adverts
Dove Advert Depression advert, programme, website.
Schools having healthy options/only healthy food in canteen.
The use of Health Promotion processes involves taking action individually and collectively to enhance people’s health/well- being, using the action competence process.
Action Competence Process Identifying an Issue Consider personal, social, communiy & societal issues. Develop knowledge & Insight - How did the issue arise (history, values, beliefs) - What is its importance, now and in the future? - Who benefits? Who is disadvantages? Why & how? Develop a vision - What alternatives are there? - How are conditions different in other classes, schools, cultures, communities or societies? - What could happen to ensure social justice? Understanding - What changes will bring us closer to our vision? Consider changes within ourselves, our classroom, school, society, - What are the possibilities for action to achieve the change? Planning - What are the barriers and enablers in relation to taking action or making a change? - What action will we initiate? Acting - Individually - Collectively Reflecting & Evaluating - What has been learned? How could it be done differently? how far have we rrealised our vision
Apply the collect action model to binge drinking (sheet) Work through sheet – staff will need to assist Share the “So What” part – Judgements and justifications
Guest speaker – Natasha Hemara
Work through the worksheet of strengths and limitations in a physical activity context Share the “So What” – justifications
You Tube Clip- leadership (English) Worksheet: Apply the action competency process using the contemporary leadership principles Share your thoughts…….
Health promotion and leadership principles as applied to taking action in a physical activity context Additional reading- scoopit contemporary leadership principles that relate to physical activity