3,2,1...Blast off! Please get your interactive notebook. If there are fewer than 20 pages, you will need a new notebook – take one from lab table 1.
How does acid affect oyster shells? Experiment al groups Control group vinegarwater oysters time temper ature Volume
Galveston Bay is becoming more acidic Less alkaline (basic) material coming downstream CO 2 in air creating carbonic acid CO 2 + H 2 O H 2 CO 3
NEW PAGE: Right side: Glue in the new objective sheet
NEW PAGE: Title: Greenhouse effect Date: April 13
The Greenhouse effect – draw it!
Major Greenhouse gases Carbon dioxide CO 2
Methane CH 4
N 2 O Nitrous Oxide
Making the issue visible
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) X axis? B: What is happening to sea level? How much has it changed since 1900? When did the greenhouse gases start to increase? Why? What happened to global temperatures at the same time CO2 increased? WHY??
Carbon dioxide CO 2
Check for understanding Name the 4 green house gases. What human activities create CO 2 ? Is the greenhouse effect beneficial or negative? What energy type reaches the earth from the sun? Why doesn’t the sun’s heat warm up the Earth?