Who do you need Recommendations from? You get two recs from core classroom teachers (Math, Science, Social Studies, English) Generally they should be from teachers who taught you junior year. One rec from your counselor. Possibly another rec from coach, supervisor at job, pastor, etc. Alumni recs generally don’t matter and don’t help.
What do Recommendations cover? Teacher Recs Talk about you in the classroom Insight Interest or Passion Counselor Recs More about you as a person Citizenship/Behavior Character/Challenges Not just what you do, but what it says about you
Why are Recommendations important? They provide some “objective” context. Counselor recommendations work together with the transcript and activities Elaborate on a strength Explain a weakness
So what does this mean for me? Think about who would write your recs? Which classes are you working really hard in? Which classes are you a leader in? How are you going above-and-beyond? What class did you initially struggle in but through hard work and determination, pulled through.