PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ Operations Scenario I I) ICC Implementation 1/24 E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I Eckhard Sturm ICC structure, WG structure and staffing
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 2/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ S/W development (SD) - OBSW (OBSW) - AOT and Pipeline Evaluation (APE) - Uplink (Up) - H/W and database (HWDB) - Calibration (Cal) - HSC I/F (HSCIF) - Management (Mgmt) Current ICC Working Groups E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 3/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ MPE: O. Bauer (OHB)Mgmt A. Contursi(AC)APE, Cal V. Doublier(VDP)Up H. Feuchtgruber(HF)APE, Up, Cal, OBSW A. Gueguen(AG)SD (E-DP), ESA-paid J. de Jong(JdJ)SD D. Lutz(DL)APE, Cal T. Müller(TM)Up, Cal, APE (AOT) S. Osterhage(SO)SD, Cal (TA execution) P. Popesso(PP)APE, Cal E. Sturm(ES)Mgmt, APE E. Wieprecht(EkW)SD, HWDB E. Wiezorrek(ErW)HWDB M. Wetzstein(MW)SD H. Krombach(HK)Secr. Current ICC members E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 4/24 (note: many are < 1 fte)
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ KUL: J. Blommaert(JB)Cal R. Huygen(RH)SD W. DeMeester(WdM)SD, HWDB S. Regibo(SR)SD (E-DP), ESA-paid P. Royer(PR)Up, Cal B. Vandenbussche(BV)SD, Up, Cal, HSCIF NN-KUL1SD (TBC) NN-KUL2Cal (TBC) MPIA: J. Bowman(JeB)Cal H. Dannerbauer(HD)Cal, APE U. Klaas(UK)Cal, APE M. Nielbock(MN)Up J. Schreiber(JS)SD, APE E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 5/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ CEA: R. Gastaud(RG)APE, SD (Sim.) B. Morin(BM)Cal K. Okumura(KO)Up, Cal M. Sauvage(MS)APE, Cal UVienna: R. Ottensamer(RO)SD, OBSW IFSI/Italy: M. Benedettini(MB)Up, Cal S. Pezutto(SP)Up, Cal, OBSW G. Rodighieri(GR)APE CSL: A. Mazy(AM)OBSW E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 6/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ IAC: NN-IAC1 NN-IAC2 Konkoly: NN-K1 NN-K2 NN-K3 HSC: B. Altieri(BGA)APE, Up, Cal R. Vavrek(RV)APE, Up, Cal NHSC: B. Ali(BA)APE, Cal, SD (Sim) P. Appleton(PA)APE, Cal D. Fadda(DF)APE, Cal D. Frayer(DTF)APE, Cal J. Jacobson(JJ)SD, HWDB C. Liu(CL)SD E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 7/24 Total: 24+ fte
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ Current Working Groups Their Tasks and Staffing E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 8/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I WGTasksStaffHome station S/W Development (SD) IA Pipeline Common DP Extended DP TA (impl.) QA (impl.) Simulator EkW (lead, phot pipe coord.) RH (DP-SAG), BV(pipeline), WdM, SR (extended DP), NN JS (spec pipe coord.) MW, SO, JdJ, AG (extended DP) RO (de-compression) CL, JJ, BA (sim.) RG (sim, phot pipe) MPE KUL MPIA MPE Vienna NHSC CEA WGTasksStaffHome station OBSW RO A. Mazy SP HF Vienna CSL IFSI MPE 9/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I WGTasksStaffHome station AOT & Pipeline Evaluation (APE) Recipes Requirements Scientific validation SPRs Versions/Upgrades AOT validation … AC (spec) PA, DF PR, BV HF, ES JS RV PP (phot) DTF, BA DL GR MS, RG HD BGA MPE NHSC KUL MPE MPIA HSC MPE NHSC MPE ? (Italy) CEA MPIA HSC 10/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I WGTasksStaffHome station Uplink (Up) CUS/ AOT Implementation of Engineering and calibration observations (CUS, E-HSPOT, PH, MP) VDP [DC] (TM) BGA, RV HF, TM PR, BV MN KO SP/MB (routine phase) RV MPE H.C. MPE HSC MPE KUL MPIA CEA IFSI HSC 11/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I WGTasksStaffHome station H/W + DB (HWDB) Perform. Monitoring COTS DB S/W upgrades Schema evolution DB layout Backups … ErW (lead) EkW, SO WdM JR, JJ MPE KUL NHSC 12/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I WGTasksStaffHome station Calibration (Cal) PV Planning Calibration Planning TA (definition) QA (definition) Routine Cal. Analysis Cross Calibration AOT Validation TA (performance) QA (performance) ?? Pointing UK (lead) MS, DL (phot) BV, HF (spec) AC, TM, PP JB, PR, NN JeB, HD KO, BM MB, SP BA, DF, DTF, PA RV SO, SIG, HD, Konkoly ?? BGA MPIA CEA,MPE KUL,MPE MPE KUL MPIA CEA IFSI NHSC HSC 13/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I WGTasksStaffHome station HSC-I/F Delivery Coordination CCB Helpdesk support … BV (lead) Rotating through ICC Astronomers KUL 14/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I WGTasksStaffHome station Management (Mgmt.) Coordination Schedule Meetings Reviews …. Extended MG Tracking OHB ES AlPog BV UK MS Kleiser/Krombach MPE KUL MPIA CEA MPE 15/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ Operations Scenario I II) ICC Tasks, Resource Requirements, Infrastructure E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 16/24 Note: Preparation, execution and analysis of FS-ILT is a major task, but not covered here. It comes on top of the tasks described in the following.
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I General ICC Tasks after launch H/W, S/W, Data Base maintenance Monitoring of Data Base Propagation Routine processing of Level 0 products Configuration control (CCB) On-board S/W maintenance Health and status monitoring using SCOS 2000 (events) Quality control pipeline and follow-up AOT validation Preparation of engineering and calibration observations, Calibration planning Derivation of CAL-files (up- and downlink) Cross calibration Trend analysis for long term instrument behaviour Scientific analysis Pipeline evaluation and refinement, data processing recipes S/W development (IA, TA, QCP,..) for experts and community Management / Coordination HSC support (helpdesk requests,…) Documentation 17/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ Detailed task descriptions in D1: PACS ICC Scenario During Operations (PICC-ME-SD-001) 18/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ Test manager (SE or CS, supervising ongoing test activities and taking decisions) 1 Instrument expert (instrument and test progress monitoring, interface to SPACON) 1 Uplink expert (modification of procedures, execution of schedule) 1 OBSW specialist – in case of OBSW activities 1 Instrument expert (near real time data analysis using Packet Recorder Files), Calibration planning Operational resource requirements for HF, UK, BV, … HF, TM, UK, BV, PR, … VD, DC, BGA, RV, SP, MB RO, A. Mazy, SP AC, DL, HF, TM, PP, NN2, HD, JS, MN, JeB, BV, PR, MS, KO, NHSC, HSC, … E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 19/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ Scientists for follow-up calibration analysis Uplink expert(s) for possible calibration observation/AOT modifications, calibration planning Software developers for possible S/W modifications H/W, S/W, Data Base maintenance 4 (+ many) 2 All calibration scientists VD,TM, RV, BGA, SP, MB All S/W developers ErW, SO, WdM, EkW, 3 (+ all other developers) 1 (+2) E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I Operational resource requirements for PV 20/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ H/W, S/W, Data Base maintenance Monitoring of Data Base Propagation Routine processing of Level 0 products Configuration control (CCB) On-board S/W maintenance Health and status monitoring using SCOS 2000 (events) Quality control pipeline and follow-up AOT validation Preparation of engineering and calibration observations Calibration planning Derivation of CAL-files (up- and downlink) Cross calibration Trend analysis for long term instrument behaviour Scientific analysis #people On total NA 2 4 ? many 2 NA Total In fte (at early routine phase, location may be re-assessed later in the mission) In #people familiar with the task E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I Operational resource requirements for (early) routine phase Pipeline evaluation and refinement, data processing recipes S/W development (IA, TA, QCP,..) for experts and community Management / Coordination HSC support (helpdesk requests,…) Documentation All All developers 3 ? All 2 On total 21/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I Team Location: During development phase the core ICC teams were distributed between the various ICC home institutes. After launch the operational ICC will reside exclusively at the ICC Operations Centre at MPE. The Operations Team will be continuously staffed from MPE-internal and –external ICC members (including HSC and NHSC members) to carry out activities for which they have the expertise, in order to ensure an optimal efficiency and interaction. Additional work in support of the Operations Team will be done remotely from the other ICC home institutes (including HSC andNHSC). Duties will rotate through all ICC members as far as appropriate/possible. 22/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ Infrastructure: All 14 MPE ICC members have their own fully equipped offices PACS ICC Office Office space for 5 (external) ICC members (with unrestricted access to all MPE services) PACS Operations Room („Opera“) Office space for 5 more (external) ICC members + meeting room equipped with WLAN, beamer, printers, teleconf system, etc. Videoconf system E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 23/24
PACS ICC Readiness Review MPE, July 3/ E. Sturm: Operations Scenario I 24/24