Good Morning! Today will be our first day doing CAHSEE English prep in Advisory. For your reference, we are doing English on _______ and math on ________.
AGENDA 1.Complete Passage #1 as a whole class to review Test-taking Protocol. 2.Work in groups to complete Passage #2. This will be entered as a grade in Advisory.
TEST-TAKING PROTOCOL: Review Step 1: REWORD. While covering the answers, reword in the top left corner what each question is testing me on. What do I need to be able to know or do to get this right? Step 2: ANNOTATE. Read the passage, chunk into smaller sections, underline the main points, and summarize chunks of it in the margins. Step 3: PREDICT. Covering the answers with my index card, write predictions at the right OR go back and underline evidence from the passage (place the question # next to your underlined answer). Step 4: PROCESS OF ELIMINATION. Look at the answers. Use process of elimination. Think about WHY the wrong answers are wrong.
Let’s start by drawing 4 boxes Make sure they are big enough to write in!
An opening sentence is a topic sentence. It captures the main idea of a paragraph. So what is this testing me on? What do I have to know to get this right? Understand main idea of a passage STEP 1: REWORD. While covering the answers, reword in the top left corner what each question is testing me on. What do I need to be able to know or do to get this right?
Substituting parts of sentences usually involves me spotting some kind of grammar error and revising the sentence to make it correct. Revise incorrect grammar STEP 1: REWORD. While covering the answers, reword in the top left corner what each question is testing me on. What do I need to be able to know or do to get this right?
1-2: Writing requires knowledge, understanding of the prompt, and a clear central purpose. 3-4: Writers must then select detailed examples and organize them clearly. 5-9: Revising and editing are very important. 5-9: Revising and editing are very important. STEP 2: ANNOTATE. Read the passage, chunk into smaller sections, underline the main points, and summarize chunks of it in the margins.
Writing well requires several steps.Understand the main idea Step 3: PREDICT. Covering the answers with my index card, write predictions at the right OR go back and underline evidence from the passage (place the question # next to your underlined answer).
Test-taking protocol Step 3: PREDICT. Covering the answers with my index card, write predictions at the right OR go back and underline evidence from the passage (place the question # next to your underlined answer). Revise incorrect grammar to get rid of errors in usage and mechanics
Test-taking protocol Revise incorrect grammar to get rid of errors in usage and mechanics Step 3: PREDICT. Covering the answers with my index card, write predictions at the right OR go back and underline evidence from the passage (place the question # next to your underlined answer).
Writing well requires several steps.Understand the main idea Step 4: PROCESS OF ELIMINATION. Look at the answers. Use process of elimination. Think about WHY the wrong answers are wrong.
Revise incorrect grammar to get rid of errors in usage and mechanics
Group Practice Turn to the last page of this packet. Draw 2 boxes above 32, 33, and 34. Move into groups of 3 or 4. Groups of 5 are not acceptable. Each group should have at least 1 student in Honors English. Working together, complete this passage. You must use the 4 steps. If you skip any steps, one question will be automatically marked wrong. TEST-TAKING PROTOCOL Step 1: REWORD. While covering the answers, reword in the top left corner what each question is testing me on. What do I need to be able to know or do to get this right? Step 2: ANNOTATE. Read the passage, chunk into smaller sections, underline the main points, and summarize chunks of it in the margins. Step 3: PREDICT. Covering the answers with my index card, write predictions at the right OR go back and underline evidence from the passage (place the question # next to your underlined answer). Step 4: PROCESS OF ELIMINATION. Look at the answers. Use process of elimination. Think about WHY the wrong answers are wrong.