Body Organization Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems
Complex Organisms Cells are specialized Each type of cell contributes to the health of the organism as a whole A group of similar cells is called a tissue
Types of Tissues There are four basic types of tissues: 1. Muscle- moves your body 2. Nervous- carries electrical messages between the brain and the rest of the body 3. Connective- supports and connects body parts 4. Epithelial- covers the surfaces of your body i.e. skin, mucous membranes, digestive tract
Muscle Tissue Muscle cells are elongated and arranged in bundles They contract or shorten to move your body
Nervous Tissue Nerves cells have a cell body and an elongated end that connects to the next nerve cell forming an electrical circuit The shape of a nerve cell is related to its function
Connective Tissue Includes bone, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and fat
Epithelial Tissue These cells are flattened and provide cover for many delicate structures of your body i. e. lining of your digestive tract, lining of respiratory tract, and skin.
Organs Different tissues work together to form an organ For example your heart is made of all the types of tissues
Organ Systems Organs work together to form organ systems like your digestive system, circulatory system and nervous system
Complex Organisms Organs systems work together to ensure the health and survival of the organism