Review – Drawing Near to God Attributes of God: God is passionate about Me – I am precious to God God is passionate about Me – I am precious to God God is perfecting me God is perfecting me God will punish the wicked God will punish the wicked God is my Powerful Protector God is my Powerful Protector God Is Permanent God Is Permanent Drawing near to God is IMPOSSIBLE without Jesus Christ.
Getting Closer Through Christ Jesus was “God with us” What did the angel say in Mt. 1:20-23? What did the angel say in Mt. 1:20-23? What does Paul tell us in Phil. 2:5-8? What does Paul tell us in Phil. 2:5-8? What does John say in Jn. 1:1, 14 What does John say in Jn. 1:1, 14 What does all this tell us about God’s willingness to draw near to us? What does all this tell us about God’s willingness to draw near to us? Is He still willing? (Jas. 4:8; Heb. 13:5-6) Is He still willing? (Jas. 4:8; Heb. 13:5-6) Through God’s willingness to send Jesus, we can be assured He will never forsake us.
Getting Closer Through Christ Jesus Revealed God’s Grace Titus 2:11 Titus 2:11 How was God’s grace illustrated through Christ? How was God’s grace illustrated through Christ? – In Christ’s sacrifice (Tit. 2:14) – In Christ’s gospel (Tit. 2:12) – In Christ’s hope (Tit. 2:13)
Getting Closer Through Christ We are created in Christ for good works Eph. 2:8-10 Eph. 2:8-10 How long had God been planning the gifts and the good works? How long had God been planning the gifts and the good works? What does this tell us? What does this tell us? “When a gift is planned well in advance, every detail is a demonstration of love. Ephesians 2:10 explains that when it comes to the gift of God’s grace, He loved us so much that He gets the details right. He not only planned for you to be saved, but He also planned for you to be zealously engaged in good deeds.” (Lifelong Zeal, p. 34)
Getting Closer Through Christ Jesus gives us insight into eternity How much teaching in the OT about eternity? How much teaching in the OT about eternity? Jesus instills a fear of hell (Mt. 8:12, 13:37-42; Mt. 10:28) Jesus instills a fear of hell (Mt. 8:12, 13:37-42; Mt. 10:28) Jesus promises a home in heaven (Jn. 14:2-3) Jesus promises a home in heaven (Jn. 14:2-3)