Globalization and Education Prepared by Dr. John McKeown
What is globalization? Brainstorm ideas about evidence of globalization in Bahrain and in the MENA region.
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What is globalization? - UN definition – increasing interdependence on economic, cultural, and political level characterized by freer communication and global networking, use of international standards, transfer and flow of economic, social, political, and learning ideas Tendency toward freer trade, wider circulation of goods and products Opening of borders – distance reduced due to speed of communication and availability of low cost communication Seen as force to deliver economic prosperity OR blamed as a source for many contemporary ills in societies
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What are links between globalization and education? Effective education systems are the foundation of opportunities for a better life Ensuring children have access to education is essential Education core element of society – driving force behind economic growth and human development People can contribute and benefit from globalization IF provided with the knowledge, skills, rights, and values to pursue a better life
Effects of globalization Take 2 minutes to write positives and negatives about globalization. Be ready to share these with the class. Ask a friend if you need more ideas.
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Pros and Cons Positives Global sharing of knowledge, technology, and values Efficiency for local needs and growth Promoting international understanding and harmony Understanding diversity and difference Opening communications and multi-cultural aspects Access to more markets Negatives Increasing technological gaps and digital divides Creating more opportunities for advanced countries Increasing inequalities and conflicts Promoting dominant cultures and values Gap increases between developed, developing & under-developed areas
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Increase in youth problems, unemployment, poverty, food shortages, unwed mothers, minorities, delinquency, violence are treated as a reflection that schooling doesn’t have a strong link with real world situations According to statistics available, economic growth of the past decades has been accompanied by a global worsening of inequalities, and in particular, to access to knowledge and education In industrialized societies: persistent problem of illiteracy and low skills All countries who have benefitted from globalization have invested significantly in their education and training systems Large differences in opportunities in education between various countries is one of the basic causes of global inequality
- Education a major concern for societies - foundation for development and core of change in science, technology, economy and culture - Some education systems no longer account for needs of the people and fail to meet current social changes - Unfortunately, many countries don’t acknowledge education as the key investment future development Results: -worsening teaching conditions -fewer resources - not enough schools -not sufficient training -mismatch of skills and marketplace
Globalization and Access to Education - Unequal sharing of new communication and IT can reinforce existing inequalities among countries - Investing in education and training helps people to adapt to rapid changes in economy and enables them to benefit from IT and increase their ability to overcome some of the negative impacts of globalization
- Education is a key factor to moderate some of the factors associated with globalization: maximize the positives and minimize the negative impacts - National qualification frameworks facilitate life-long learning and help match supply and demand in the labor marketplace and can guide people in their career choice - Knowledge and information are keys to social inclusion and productivity - it is the key resource of economic growth - Connection is key – online learning a powerful tool - Studies support increased use of e-learning tools and commitment to virtual learning communities
A Global learner is - Empowered by the experience of global education to help make a difference in society - Committed to lifelong learning - Aware of diversity and interdependence - Recognizes interdependence of the world- - Appreciates the impact of other cultures - Accepts the importance of all people - Capable of working in diverse teams - Accepts responsibility of global citizenship. (Carfagna, 2003)
Competencies Need to tolerate & accept Ambiguity Complexity Interrelatedness Change Uncertainty Flow Need to be able to Organize Manage Interpret Verify Analyze Apply
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Challenges facing MENA -Integrating technological knowledge and innovation in economy development -Strengthening democratic political forces in MENA -Improving the educational systems and the quality of educational outcomes -Preparing new workforce capable to compete in globalized economy -Facing conflicts between global identity and cultural identity (religious, ethnic, racial)
Strategic imagination … A dynamic change process that produces new problems, issues ands opportunities Looking for new possibilities; develop potential - explore, test, & demonstrate new strategies; Times of uncertainty and complexity demand new solutions and answers – YOU ARE THAT CHANGE!
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