C HRISTMAS I NSTITUTE Pacific Northwest Annual Conference
Christmas Institute is an ethnically relevant UMC camp designed to nurture our youth and young adults... What is Christmas Institute?
Our target population includes youth and young adults of immigrant Filipino and Filipino American families within the United Methodist Church— to strengthen and support our youth as they become leaders. CI-PNW Mission Statement CI-PNW is open to ALL who are seeking Jesus Christ, spiritual guidance, acceptance, and fellowship.
CHRISTMAS INSTITUTE is held every year from DECEMBER The Vision of CI-PNW… To know Jesus Christ, and make Him known... To fellowship with other believers… To mature in our faith... To link our cultural identities with faith in action...
Christmas Institute originated in the Philippines in The Roots of CI… Since then, youth and young adults throughout the Philippines have gathered each year to discuss issues relevant to young people living in faith, and to build and strengthen young leaders within the United Methodist Church.
Bringing “CI” to the U.S.A… Christmas Institute was adapted into the United States in 1981, with the support of the National Association of Filipino American United Methodists. Following the model of CI in the Philippines, youth and young adults in the U.S. could also experience a UMC camp that would address faith issues within an atmosphere that intentionally acknowledged Filipino identity and heritage.
CI continues to expand… The following UMC Annual Conferences or Jurisdictions currently have a Christmas Institute… California - Pacific California - Nevada Pacific Northwest South Central Northeast Southeast North Central Jurisdiction More stateside CI locations are in the works, through the efforts of NAFAUM’s paglago, which means “growth.”
CI-PNW has been around since CI in the Pacific Northwest Through the guidance and direction of our Filipino clergy appointed in the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference, Christmas Institute has blossomed from its support from the PNWAC Ethnic and Multicultural Ministries, and local churches such as… Ronald UMC (Shoreline, WA) and the Filipino Ministry at Silverdale UMC (Silverdale, WA) Beacon UMC (Seattle, WA)
VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT… To get involved with CI… Delegates must be 7th Grade to 2nd-Year Post-HS Campers do not have to be United Methodist and/or Filipino. Leaders must attend all mandatory trainings. All required paperwork / background check must be completed.