Persuasive Speech COMM101 Speech Three
Requirements Time? Points? Organization? Purpose? Number of Sources? Speech Tutor?
Where to Start? Pick a side you will defend…… You have three Choices….
Attack the status quo and show there is a need to change what we now have. (A) Defend the status quo and show what we are doing is right. (B) Tweak the status quo and show that some minor revisions it will work. (C)
I. Arguments/Evidence Why is there a need to change what we have or keep it or fix it? ► Come up with a list of need arguments ► See if you have evidence ► Find additional evidence
When you look at your outline for speech 3, most of your evidence should come in the Body in the area of “need.”
What are your strongest need arguments? Decide whether to use Primacy or Recency theory. Make sure you see lots of evidence.
II. Plan If you are going to attack the status quo, come up with a plan that will solve the problems not currently being solved. (A) If you are going to defend the status quo, come up with ideas about how and why it solves the current problems. (B) If you are going tweak the status quo, come up with a plan that does that. (C)
Come up with a plan that will solve your need issues OR Come up with reasons why the current system is working just fine and we should keep it OR Come up with tweaking that will make the current system work better. This will be the middle part of your speech body. (called “Satisfaction.”)
The third part (III) of the body of your speech will be an attempt to connect your need and plan. (“Visualization”) Ask yourself: How does my plan solve the need I discussed in the first part of my speech? How will using my plan make our lives or world better?
III.Connect, connect, connect Need + Plan = Solution (a better world)
Introduction Attention Motivation Thesis Overview Transition
Conclusion Underview Call for Action (ah, ha, something new) Last Thought (make it inspirational)
Assignment… For Thursday: Read Study the parts of the Monroe Motivated Sequence Use your “sample outline” on plastic surgery for teens to see how it is organized using the MMS
Long Range Assignments The quiz on chapter 15 Persuasion will be on 11/15 (Tues) Also that day you will need to bring in your outline and bibliography so the speech tutors can examine them.