Discussion What problems could be caused by an attitude like the one shown in the quotation by Frederick II? If all countries became active in extending their territories, all countries would constantly be in conflict with one another
Rivalries and Changing Alliances War of the Austrian Succession: After the death of the Austrian emperor Charles VI, Prussia invaded Austrian Silesia. In the ensuing war, France allied with Prussia, and Britain allied with Austria. Rivalries: In addition to the rivalry between Austria and Prussia over Silesia, Britain and France became rivals over colonial empires. New allies: France abandoned its alliance with Prussia. France, Austria, and Russia became allies, while Prussia allied with Great Britain.
Discussion What was the turning point in the war in Europe? The new Russian czar admired Frederick II, so he withdrew Russian troops from his alliance with Austria and France and from the Prussian lands the Russians had occupied.
The Seven Years' War in India and North America War in India: British and French armies fought for power in India. War in North America: French and British armies fought for colonies in North America.
Discussion Why did the British and the French want colonies? To gain power and enrich themselves through strictly controlled trade
Discussion Why did Benjamin Franklin think it was important for the colonies to unite? The individual colonies did not have the military or economic resources to defend themselves against the French. Together, the colonies could defend themselves far better.
Background The Albany Congress was held in Albany, New York, in The English Board of Trade assembled the congress to address its concerns about the weakness of colonial defense at the beginning of the Seven Years' War. Representatives of seven northern and central colonies attended. The representatives tried to draw up a plan for unity, called the Albany Plan, using the ideas of Benjamin Franklin and Governor William Shirley of Massachusetts. The plan called for a chief military executive paid by the British Crown. A grand council of delegates would be formed from the thirteen mainland colonies. The size of each colony's delegation would be linked to its share of taxes. Delegates would be responsible for negotiating Indian treaties and assembling intercolonial defense. The colonial assemblies, however, distrustful of one another, did not support the Albany Plan. It was never presented to the British Parliament because the English governors in the colonies hesitated to introduce a plan that might make it easier for Americans to resist royal authority. The Albany Congress did, however, lay the groundwork for the Continental Congress.
The Treaty of Paris War in India: Britain won the fight for India, and France was forced to withdraw its troops. War in North America: French and British armies fought for colonies in North America. In the Treaty of Paris, the French transferred Canada and its lands east of the Mississippi to Britain. Spain, a French ally, transferred Spanish Florida to British control, and France gave the Louisiana territory to Spain.
Discussion Who do you think gained the most from the Treaty of Paris? The British gained the most because they acquired much territory in eastern North America.