LAUNCHING A NATION: DECISION-MAKING Essential Skill: State and explain goals and purposes
QUESTIONS TO ANSWER (& PRESENT ANSWERS TO THE CLASS) 1) What characteristics would you look for in electing the first President? Why? 2) What Executive Departments would you create? What issues might face the new country? 3) What 4 Cabinet positions did GW create? Who were the Secretaries? What big issues did the new nation have to address? 4) In creating a new Republic, what tensions might arise between the first Congress and the first President? List several. 5) What traditions, or precedents, might the new President set?
TRAITS OF GEORGE W? Political and leadership experience Military experience Honest and principled Had a popular following; charismatic leader Able to unite people for the country’s benefit
CABINET & EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS The Purpose of the Cabinet? Act as Advisors to the President and to carry out his orders Treasury Dept. – Sec. Alexander Hamilton Why? War Debt, Economy, Single Currency, Manage Govt. Budget War Dept. – Sec. Henry Knox Defense against foreign power; Build up military (Britain? Spain?) State Dept. – Sec. Thomas Jefferson Foreign Relations Policy; Maintain Allies; Diplomacy Attorney General – Edmund Randolph Nation’s Lawyer; Interpretation of the Constitution
TENSIONS BETWEEN CONGRESS & PRESIDENT Disagreements between the branches Treaties & Public Appointments made “with the Advice and Consent of the Senate” Veto Power VP Presides over Senate?
TRADITIONS/PRECEDENTS SET BY GEORGE W. Cabinet – Act as Advisors and carry out President’s orders “Mr. President” as Title Stepping Down after 2 Terms National Bank