Essential Question – Practical Arts Certain words evoke confidence and authority. Why should you use action words on your resume? I will be able to analyze my skills and abilities to create a professional resume TODAY: Complete your resume Make sure that you use action words when describing your skills and experience. Make sure that you have confirmed your references DOUBLE CHECK FOR ERRORS – Send your resume to me:
List the sources of the information required to complete a personal fact sheet. Complete the personal fact sheet started yesterday Turn and talk to your shoulder partner about the information you have listed- what areas do you need to do more research on? what areas are you lacking information Thursday/Friday Preparing your resume
Essential Question – Communication Tec What is the purpose of using a tagout device? I will be able to recall the purpose of a plant safety and health program.
Continuing reading Chapter 2 on safety and health With a partner discuss the fire extinguishers and fire classification chart on page 53. Be prepared to discuss this chart