British-French Rivalry Britain and France had been competing for wealth for centuries. As the American colonies began to grow so did hostility between French and English colonists. Both the English and the French were interested in an area called the Ohio River Valley.
Native Americans Take Sides Both the French and the British knew that Native Americans would make the difference in their struggle for North America. The French had many Native American allies due to the fact that they wanted to trade in fur not take Native American land. French traders’ relations were so good with the Native Americans that they often married Native American women and followed their customs.
The Iroquois Confederacy The Iroquois Confederacy was the most powerful group of Native Americans in the East. The Iroquois had managed to remain neutral by trading with both the French and British. By 1750, however, the confederacy reluctantly became Britain’s allies.
Iroquois Nation The Confederacy was based out of New York and included five Native American nations: the Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga and Oneida.
American Colonists Take Action In 1753, Britain sent a 21 year old man by the name of George Washington into the Ohio River Valley to inform the French that they were trespassing on British territory.
Washington’s First Command In 1754 George Washington arrived in the Ohio River Valley with a 150 man militia: a group of civilians trained to fight in case of an emergency. Washington established a small fort in Ohio called Fort Necessity
Washington’s First Command Fort Necessity
Washington’s First Command The inexperienced forces of George Washington tried to attack a French scouting party. The French surrounded Washington’s forces and forced them to surrender. Washington was later released and returned to Virginia.
The Legend of George Washington Begins… During the battle against the French, Washington has several horses shot from beneath him. He also finds 4 bullet holes in his overcoat. Despite his defeat, the colonists regarded Washington as an invincible bulletproof hero who struck the first blow against the French.
The French and Indian War The French had a network of alliances with the Native Americans and soon began to take control of large portions of the Ohio River Valley. During the early stages of the French and Indian War, colonists fought the French and the Native Americans with little help from Britain and the king. In 1754, the king decided to send well trained troops to assist in the fighting.
The French and Indian War Despite having well trained troops, Britain had problems fighting the French. British soldiers wore bright red uniforms in wooded areas making them easy targets. French troops along with Native American allies used guerilla warfare tactics.
British struggles Because of these tactics used by the French and natives, the British struggled during the early parts of the war. They lost several important battles. Fort Niagara Fort Duquesne Fort William Henry
Another Loss for Washington At Fort Duquesne, the British general Edward Braddock was killed. Second in command, George Washington, took charge and ordered a retreat back to Virginia
The French and Indian War Great Britain’s war effort improved when a man by the name of William Pitt took command of the British military. Pitt organized the military and placed knowledgeable generals in charge of military assignments.
The French and Indian War The year 1759 saw numerous victories by the British. In 1759 the British took Quebec which was the capital of New France (in Canada).
Treaty of Paris 1763 In 1763 the Treaty of Paris was signed and brought an end to the French and Indian War. The Treaty of Paris also marked the end of France as a power in North America.
Trouble on the Frontier The British victory in the French and Indian War was a drastic blow to Native Americans. The French had traded heavily with the Native Americans. Britain refused to pay Native Americans for the use of their land.
Trouble on the Frontier Indian leaders such as Pontiac tried to bring Native Americans together in order to fight the British. Pontiac’s plan did not work and in 1766 he was forced to sign a peace treaty with Britain.