Joseph Goebbles The father of lies.
The Father of Lies “people will only believe a lie it is big enough, and told often enough”-Joseph Goebbles. Goebbles was called the father f lies because he used his creative writing background to get the German people to believe lies.
Propoganda information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. The Germans used propaganda to spread lies about the Jewish people.
What started his hate ? Goebbles didn’t always want to be a propagandist He wanted to be a writer He became convinced the publication companies were owned by Jews when they denied him publication.
How it started Goebbles felt the need to overachieve intellectually to make up for his physical disabilities. He joined the NSDAP in 1922
Part of the third Reich Goebbles started producing his own propaganda. Hitler admired Goebbels’ abilities as a writer and speaker.
Rise to power In 1928 along with ten other members of the Nazi party Goebbels was elected to the Reichstag. Afterwards he became the Party’s propaganda leader.
Second in Command As Hitler rose in power so did Goebbels By the end Goebbels was second in command only to Hitler.
Loyalty to the party Goebbels remained loyal to the Nazi party until the end. Following Hitler’s death he served as Chancellor for one day. Goebbels committed suicide on May,