Centre for Equity in Education Making sure every child matters The role of local authorities in the development of inclusive education for all Mel Ainscow Mel Ainscow
Centre for Equity in Education Making sure every child matters Our children and young people: Some leave school with no qualifications Bottom of well-being ‘league’ Poor levels of school attendance High numbers of exclusions Early drop out from education High proportion in separate provision Home background the best predictor of school performance
Developing an inclusive education system: What are the levers for change? Principles Development of schools Forms of evaluation Local authoritiesCommunity
Centre for Equity in Education Making sure every child matters Achieving clarity: Process Identifying and removing barriers Presence, participation and achievement All students Emphasis on at-risk groups Marginalisation, exclusion and underachievement
Developing an inclusive education system: What are the levers for change? Principles Development of schools Forms of evaluation Local authoritiesCommunity
Centre for Equity in Education Making sure every child matters Implications: Institutional: shared responsibility around a common purpose Local authorities: Having the ‘big picture’, brokering collaboration and acting as the conscience of the system Government: determining overall principles, facilitating local action and regulating progress
Centre for Equity in Education Making sure every child matters ‘Schools have a duty to make sure all young people get a good deal. Local authorities have a duty to make sure it happens’ Senior local authority officer, December, 2009
The most important factor: the collective will to make it happen